How to start CLion on FreeBSD?

CLion bundles a few native components built for Linux, these binaries won't work on FreeBSD. Noticeable examples are:

  • JRE (you need to install it in order to launch CLion),
  • fsnotifier (you will be warned on startup that file sync may be slow),
  • libpty (required for running apps with controlling TTY),
  • CMake,
  • and GDB.

So to start at FreeBSD you need to:

- Install the necessary components: pkg install openjdk8 cmake gdb
- Edit clion-2016.3/bin/ and change run.processes.with.pty=false
- Start CLion and open Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Toolchains
- Specify CMake path: /usr/local/bin/cmake and GDB path: /usr/local/bin/gdb

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Permanently deleted user

FreeBSD has replacement program for fsnotifier

pkg install intellij-fsnotifier

then edit bin/



Edited by Permanently deleted user
Permanently deleted user

Audio eror


FYI: this is a better version of fsnotifier for FreeBSD.  The intellij fsnotifier port in the ports tree leaves a bunch of .fuse_hidden############## files in the directories it scans whenever you edit them (at least for a mounted NTFS drive via ntfs-3g,) leading to failed builds when you have directory modifications in CMakeLists.txt (e.g. deleting a build directory to make sure all the artifacts are fresh before a build) and makes it really difficult to navigate your project directory.  I know CLion can just filter files matching .fuse_hidden* if you set it to, but for me the CMake issues leading to failed builds were too painful not to seek an alternate solution.

Edited by Cory Geesaman
Permanently deleted user

Your above tips were very helpful! If, however, someone encouters the error of CLion not being able to run the terminal you shall also do the following;

#`pkg install intellij-pty4j` as the libpty is needed by CLion

and then you may have to manually copy the library file to the path CLion is looking for it;

$mkdir -p /usr/home/$USER/Downloads/clion-x.x.x/lib/pty4j-native/freebsd/x86_64/

#cp /usr/local/intellij/lib/libpty/freebsd/x86_64/ /usr/home/$USER/Downloads/clion-x.x.x/lib/pty4j-native/freebsd/x86_64/ 

Hope this helps someone. I figured it out by looking at the error logs :)

Permanently deleted user

There is now a FreeBSD pkg available `pkg install jetbrains-clion` should do all the necessary steps

Edited by Permanently deleted user

For now from port tree i can install just 2020.2 version. Will be updates for port tree or for packages repository? And i can't to win code analyzer by clang. Will it be possible to setup external clangd, not clang-tidy only?


thank you for the port!


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