SignatureException: Signature doesn't match or Signature length not correct: got 256 but was expecting 512

You may get

JetProfile connection error: SSLHandshakeException: Signature length not correct: got 256 but was expecting 512

or Signature does not match.

error when trying to login with your JetBrains account, here are the possible causes and workarounds:

  • Proxy server between you and our server ( that intercepts SSL traffic and substitutes our certificate with its own one, which is different and will not be accepted by the IDE. Note that this proxy server may be completely transparent to you and may work without any explicit proxy configuration in your system. Please contact your organization IT helpdesk or ISP support to get it resolved.
  • Make sure there is no -Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false in the product .vmoptions.
  • If you are using Linux, your JDK may have incomplete keystore without thawte CA, therefore, JDK can't verify SSL certs from our server. Please see this issue for details. You can install Oracle JDK 1.8 and configure IDE to use this new JDK installation instead of the system JDK. Make sure to install manually from Oracle site. JDK installed by the package manager will use the same cacerts file that may be incomplete or even empty/corrupted.
  • IBM JDK will have issues connecting to account server, please use Oracle JDK or OpenJDK.
  • On Windows, if JVM option was configured, which forces Java to use Windows trust store - there could be an issue with recognizing this option by the bundled with IDE JDK related issue: JBR-3917. In this case, try to avoid using this option.
  • Another option is to obtain offline key from the account and enter it in the registration dialog. This is not available for student/academic accounts.
  • If you are using an old product version (released before 24 August 2014), it will not be able to connect to the account server, please update to a more recent product version or contact support for the special build of the product with a fix for this problem.

If this issue prevents you from converting your license to a new format, please use a web site form instead.

21 out of 100 found this helpful

I was able to resolve this issue by using the following:

sudo apt-get -f install

Seems like perhaps the ca-certificates didn't get installed when openJDK was. Hope this helps someone.


The 'obtain offline key' link in this article is broken. I found what I assume is the correct page here:


I am getting this issue while trying to activate the product using a license server hosted on our network. If we had a way to tell the product not to use the proxy for that address it would fix it. I do not see a way to do this for the registration screen.


IDE can use your system proxy settings automatically, see


I got it to work with a workaround. If you are getting stuck because you are behind a corporate proxy, get off the private connection onto a guest wifi or mobile connection, then activate your account, and then get back on to the private connection. That should solve your problem!


Stumbled upon it after updating automatically to 2019.2 (couldn't sync settings, couldn't activate the license). Thing is, I have a zip install into a custom folder instead of the usual installer, so it was possible for some random files to be left as-is instead of them being deleted. Downloaded a clean new zip of 2019.2, removed the old version from custom folder, and unpacked the new version. Works fine now, didn't have to purge my user settings.


Follow these steps:

1. Go to: File -> Settings -> Appearance & Behavior -> System settings -> HTTP Proxy

2. Select Auto-detect proxy setting

3. Click Clear password

4. Click check connection and provide the URL:

5. Go to Help -> Register and login


I have problem now with 2020.1 , when I use offline key it accepts it but keeps poping up every minute asking for activation


What is the specific error code that you get?


I have the same problem as Mohammad. It's not an error, the activation code is accepted, the license is recognized. But the activation dialog keeps popping up every minute asking for an activation again, even though I just entered the correct activation code a minute ago.


Margo Parmentier

It's a known bug, sorry for the inconvenience: .

The fix will be released soon. Until then you can either activate via JetBrains Account or activate the trial mode.


First suggestion to ask for changes of corporate firewall  is not workable in large Enterprise environment. 

Offline activation is broken since 2020.1, it only activates for short time and then pops up again as already indicated by 



It's a known bug, sorry for the inconvenience: .

The fix will be released soon. Until then you can activate the trial mode.


I also have this problem when installing 2020.1. It also says that "Your host may be behind a proxy. Intellij IDEA was not able to detect your proxy configuration. You may want to specify HTTPS proxy parameters and try again."

Can you guys help me with that?

kind regards!


CF Zhou in case your proxy intercepts the traffic and replaces the certificates, you have the following options:

  • bypass the proxy somehow or ask your proxy admin to whitelist host
  • use offline activation code to register the IDE instead of the JetBrains Account
  • install the CA used for the self signed proxy certificate into the JVM used to run IntelliJ IDEA via keytool

I get this error message when I try to snyc my IDE settings. I don't think there is an offline solution, right? :-)

Edited by Dmann

I'm getting seriously annoyed with this bullshit. How on earth does this bug still exist more than 5 years(!!!) after it was originally reported? It's not rocket science, it is a two decades old protocol that this software FAILS to implement correctly.

Offline certification is a major pain in the ass and the suggested solution via keytool is an insult to my intelligence. You're literally too fucking lazy to implement that solution (ie allow insertion of a certificate via the software that does its certificate lookup in a non standard broken way) so instead you rely on paying customers to jump through hoops for 5 years...

Amazing folks...


For those trying to use the toolbox:
Search for the cacerts under your toolbox folder (Something like this: C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\JetBrains\Toolbox) you will find one for each tool below the apps folder and one for the toolbox itself.

Change one of them and then copy paste the resulting file over ALL of the others. Each tool and app uses a separate cacerts...

True WAFLOB...


Make Sure you take the Free Version for 30 days just in case you have a license and then after it starts follow these steps:

1. Go to: File -> Settings -> Appearance & Behavior -> System settings -> HTTP Proxy

2. Select Auto-detect proxy setting

3. Click Clear password

4. Click check connection and provide the URL:

5. Go to Help -> Register and login

and you have it :)


I proceeded with the trial, updated Java for Windows, and added my account information. Worked for me. 


I see this issue with Zscaler - as the article says it replaces the SSL cert with its own. I had to disable Zscaler to get Webstorm installed.


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