Silent or Unattended installation on Windows

It's possible to install IntelliJ IDEA based IDEs silently on Windows. We are using NSIS installer and it accepts the following command line switches:

  • /S — perform silent (unattended) installation into the default installation directory (the switch is case sensitive)
  • /D=<installation directory> — change the default installation directory
  • /CONFIG=<c:\path\to\silent.config> — more options (user/admin mode, shortcuts, file associations, 32-bit JRE download) are available via the silent configuration file.
  • /NCRC — disable installer CRC checksum verification (will not show "Please wait while setup is loading" window).


ideaIU-2024.2.exe /S /CONFIG=d:\temp\silent.config /D=W:\Program Files\IntelliJ IDEA 2024.2

You can find more details in NSIS documentation.

At the moment we do not provide MSI installers for our products, however you can create your own MSI package by wrapping our installation executable inside MSI in the silent mode.

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Permanently deleted user

Hey I'm trying to update (250) computers to Pycharm 5 and then in a few months to the newer releases once we are happy with them.

I can install it silently on a PC that has no Pycharm with the above options, however if there is an existing Pycharm install, then the /S option does not preform the install, I assume that it detects an existing Pycharm install and since no user input can be given for the un-install option the install process just drops out silently.

Is there a way to achieve this using the NSIS options that you provide ?

Permanently deleted user

When we installed with D:\PhpStorm-2016.2.1.exe" /S

Installation works perfectly, but we have below issues.

  1. It didn't create desktop shortcut - We fixed with Powershell option to manually create desktop shortcut
  2. Uninstaller gives below error, so can't uninstall. Even after system restart, it still gives below error.

Similar issue was fixed some time ago:

If you can reproduce it with the current version, please submit a new bug at

See regarding the desktop shortcut problem in silent mode.

Permanently deleted user

We are having a blocker for our installation. Can we have some workable workaround?

Can we use NSIS installer from and NSIS build conf from to create a deploy-able package?

We have a bulk rollout for large number of Windows 10 machines.


Use the zip version from

Feel free to package it into MSI or NSIS or any other installer that will put it into the right location and add the shortcuts to desktop/menu if needed.

Using .nsi script from the source distribution is not an option for you since it depends on a lot of the generated files and can be produced only as a part of the CI server build process.

Edited by Serge Baranov

Hey Guys you c an use a power shell script to do this if you use SCCM.


I did this with the pycharm version that I mentioned above.


The silent (/S) installation puts the uninstall registration into HKCU of the installing user, the non-silent installation puts it into HKLM. I'll bet the "bin directory is busy" bug is related and that what happens there is the uninstaller starts from the HKCU registration and apparently expects the installation path to be writable without elevation (i.e. in the user profile). It turns out not to be, and some file operation fails. The exact error is displayed in the installation progress dialog's "Details" view, btw.

To uninstall the result of the silent installation, extract the UninstallString from HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\PyCharm <version> and run it in an elevated command prompt.

Ceterum censeo: This bug would have been avoided by using MSI as the distribution package format. (Wrapping the buggy EXE in an MSI is not a viable alternative.)

Permanently deleted user

@ Chris & JamesDengel


I've been experiencing the same issue when installing pycharm using silent mode /S. I get the same exact issue where it installs under HKCU, but if you navigate to program and features to uninstall it. You will receive the same error mentioned by @PHPStormEvaluator. My issue is related to deploy this multiple Windows 10 machines here for our programmers. This is the script I plan to use when pushing out pycharm,

Here our the issues it is running into

* SCCM utilizes the system account to install the application

* There is no option to remove the application from program and features.

* The install string points HKCU path instead of the HKLM


Here is my script I am currently trying to use.

####################### Uninstall Previous PyCharm Version ##########################

$PyCharm = Get-ChildItem -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall, HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall, HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall |
Get-ItemProperty |
Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -match "PyCharm" } |
Select-Object -Property DisplayName, UninstallString

ForEach ($ver in $PyCharm) {

If ($ver.UninstallString) {

$uninst = $ver.UninstallString
& cmd /c $uninst /S /norestart -NoNewWindow



############################# Install Path #######################################

$InstallPath = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\JetBrains\PyCharm 2016.3.2\"


.\pycharm-professional-2016.3.2.exe /S /C=$InstallPath


######################### Create a Shortcut with Windows PowerShell #########################

$TargetFile = "$InstallPath\bin\pycharm.exe"

$ShortcutFile = "$env:Public\Desktop\Pycharm 2016.3.2.lnk"

$WScriptShell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell

$Shortcut = $WScriptShell.CreateShortcut($ShortcutFile)

$Shortcut.TargetPath = $TargetFile



Permanently deleted user

@ Nixstash


We eventually found the issue it's


it seem that a silent install should most liekly install as admin and put the key in HKLM but it doesn't create any keys.

Permanently deleted user

i install a PyCharm version 2017.3.2 on windows 10 professional platform on 32 bit, my machine already have python 3.7  and have JVM

and the installation complete successfully, and when i run the program it not run and no action appear



Permanently deleted user

Am I correct in assuming that this is not implemented (or broken) in PyCharm-community 2017.3.3?

Edited by Permanently deleted user
Permanently deleted user


The bug is still present with Intellij IDEA 2018 1.5 : Silent install writing uninstall keys in HKCU instead of HKLM. I have UAC disabled on the machine.


Permanently deleted user

Does anyone know the switch to uninstall in silent mode? Anything I try I get either a window to uninstall or it will just install again. 


Hello everyone, I am trying to perform silent uninstall, however, by default uninstall.exe selects the box that shares the feedback to Jetbrains and opens Google Chrome. Is there any flag which can be used to disable that function? 

Thank you 

Kindest regards 


Permanently deleted user

Running this script as an admin in power shell works:


Start-Process -FilePath "C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA 2018.2\bin\uninstall.exe" -Arg "/S" -wait

Remove-Item -Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\JetBrains"


Unfortunately it still opens >> in Chrome after running script. 

Permanently deleted user

Ahh I thought this was for IntelliJ my apologies. 


Thanks for the report, I've submitted, please follow it for updates.

Permanently deleted user

Hello, I'm trying to automate silent install of Rider. I noticed when I use the /SD flag, I'm still getting the install prompt rather than error messages printed to command line on Windows. Is this the expected behavior? I'm expecting /SD to be super silent such that no dialogues should appear.


** Edit: It was not an error prompt, but a regular install prompt. Error prompt, however, still appears if I just do /S


Edited by Permanently deleted user

What specific prompts do you get? I'd report a bug at for the RIDER project.

Permanently deleted user

Ok, I'll file a bug report, thanks.


It's the error dialogue telling me that I'm not using the correct parameters. I was hoping to do a straight forward silent install using /SD flag assuming that default configs will be used if /CONFIG is not used. However, it appears /CONFIG is indeed required.


/CONFIG is indeed required, it's not a bug.


I am using intune to install win32 apps (eg. PyCharms), and the app installs, but the machine/user path is not updated, but the path for "nt authority\system" is updated - which i assume is the account intune is running as.

I am wondering why the machine and/or user path is not getting the path update statements that the installer is performing when installed via intune - might you have a pointer?

Interestingly enough - if I use PsTools/PsExec64.exe to emulate what i think is going on with InTune - after the install, the current window path is not updated - but if i reboot the machine - and open a new cmd window as "system" the path is appended with jetbrains path. However the path of the standard user is not updated.  So a path is getting updated but not one i want - I can share the intune configuration and various outputs - just unsure of why the path is not updating - and you seem to be the expert on silent installs - thanks


Try running installer process as a different user.


when installing from the MS Company Portal using IntuneManager to do the install - I don't think you control the user that is driving the install.  As I was trying to troubleshoot all of this - i came across pages that explained you should test your installs using the PSTools toolset - which is how I got to some level of understanding as to what might be going on.  I can't be teh first person that is attempting to package and deploy the tooling via Intune to make it simpler for the software installation to be seamless for the rest of the org - the only thing that I am stuck on is the setting of the path.


serge-i attacked this problem from a different angle - i opted to create an "install.bat" file where I put the install command in and after that (line 2) i put in SETX /M PATH <the path>.  This solved the path setting problem in the intune install.



Hello! Help me please. How i can installl jetbrains tool box across windows AD? I have tried customizing the script. When run manually, it works. But as a GroupPolicy, the installation does not work.

Edited by Reutov Sergey


we are deploying the IDEA app using SCCM with the config switch and the script that works pretty good.

The problem is that once IDEA IDE opens it ask to execute a powershell with elevated privileges that exclude some path from windows defender engines.

I am looking for a way/script to automate this with the SCCM deployment.

Thank you


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