Using IDE on different machines and operating systems with the same license

You can run multiple personal licensed copies at the same time (like on laptop and desktop for remote debugging client/server apps) as long as you are the only user of your personal license.

The same is true for the commercial subscriptions with the additional requirement: your operating system username (login) must be the same on all the systems where you use the IDE.

However, if you use Floating License Server, a per-machine license model is applied. When a user runs JetBrains Toolbox products concurrently, for example, on Windows and macOS, it requires multiple licenses.

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How does one authorized user use their license on multiple machines? The DRM in its current state cannot account for this. 


Here's an example of something I cannot do because of DRM. I have two projects that I want to integrate on different machines. These projects talk to each other over the internet. I cannot use IntelliJ on both my machines to debug even though this doesn't break the license agreement. Please fix this DRM issue. One way to do this is to whitelist MAC address of your own machines.


@Benjamin Sisson, license agreement restricts concurrent use, it's not a "DRM issue":


(b) Licensee may not:

(iii) use the License Key on different Clients or operating systems at a time. The Software may contain a feature preventing concurrent use of the same License Key on different Clients or operating systems.

(d) "Client" means a computer device used by Licensee for running the Software.

Permanently deleted user

I just want to make sure I understand what sounds like really generous licensing terms.

I am a registered PyCharm customer and usually run it on my Mac. But, on the rare occasions when my Mac is down for maintenance and repairs, I have an old Dell running XP I use for email and Net surfing. So, as long as I keep renewing my PyCharm license every year, when my Mac is down I can download whatever is the latest windows version of PyCharm to my Dell and enable it, at no additional charge, using the user name and license key I used to register PyCharm on my Mac?


So, as long as I keep renewing my PyCharm license every year, when my Mac is down I can download whatever is the latest windows version of PyCharm to my Dell and enable it, at no additional charge, using the user name and license key I used to register PyCharm on my Mac?

Yes, that is correct.

Permanently deleted user

Could you please confirm something for me? I will soon be upgrading my Linux Mint PCs to Petra by performing a complete system and application re-install.  I didn't see a License Deactivation function in IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, so according to the license agreement I can enter my license key on the upgraded PCs without a problem as long as I'm not using it concurrently on multiple PCs, correct?

From the agreement language it seems clear that it shouldn't be a problem, confirmed by the lack of a Deactivation function but just wanted to check.  Thanks!


so according to the license agreement I can enter my license key on the upgraded PCs without a problem as long as I'm not using it concurrently on multiple PCs, correct?

Yes, exactly.

From the agreement language it seems clear that it shouldn't be a problem, confirmed by the lack of a Deactivation function but just wanted to check. 

Don't worry, there is no any activation/deactivation.

Permanently deleted user

Wow, THAT was a fast response! :-) And on a Sunday. Thanks for confirming that for me, Serge, and keep up the great work!

p.s. Really looking forward to IntelliJ IDEA 13

Permanently deleted user

Question along the same lines: Can I enter the same license key for a Windows machine that runs a Linux VM and both use IDEA 13 - though not at the same time?

Permanently deleted user

Disregard - found the answer:


Cross-platform compatibility

A Personal License allows for use of the software on different operating systems, provided that they are not used at the same time.



Is there any way I can 'kick' the running instance on another PC out - e.g. if I forget to shutdown my PC at home and want to use IntelliJ IDEA on my Laptop on the road?

Permanently deleted user

I'm also wondering about Kirill's question.


When a conflict is detected, you will be presented with the dialog which allows to shutdown another instance and continue working in the current instance.

Note that it's checked only within the same local network, I doubt that you are connected to your home network while on the road.

Permanently deleted user


Just wondering, 

is it OK if I am in a company and I purchased it for my personal use for my work?


Mukezhang, yes, you can use your personal license at work, but you can't transfer it to anyone else.

Permanently deleted user

I use PCs (windows and linux) and share screens/mouse/keyboard using synergy.  At the moment I have to use community on one of them, would be nice if there were a way to use my licensed copy on both.

Permanently deleted user

Ok to clarify for myself. I can own 3 different machines and install Phpstorm on all 3 machines, however I can only run it on one machine at a time? I own a MacBook Pro, MacAir and I just purchased a Windows Machine. I only have it on my MBP but since I am developing on different machines for example I use my Air to travel or take with me on the go but need to use it, then at home or school I may use one of the other. So that is okay to do? As long I don't have 2 computers running the program at the same time?


Selina, yes, that is correct.

Permanently deleted user

I don't understand the updated note at the top:

Since the new subscription model started November 2015, you can also run multiple personal licensed copies at the same time (like on laptop and desktop for remote debugging client/server apps).

In my organization each developer may have multiple computers (e.g. 2 laptops, or one laptop and one desktop, etc.) which they use to multi-task and write code at the same time. Both IDEs would be open at the same, in the same network, by a single user. In this case do we need to provide a license per machine, or one per user suffices?

Permanently deleted user

Same question as Nicolas asked...

We are using local VM on a PC.

Need same developer to use both IDEs....(on VM and PC)



Permanently deleted user

We have the same issue...we have developers who have 2-3 machines who need to use the IntelliJ IDE at the same time.  In some cases this is 2 workstations located at their desk, in other cases it is one workstation at their desk and one in a cloud environment working on troubleshooting customer issues.  What is the solution for this?

Permanently deleted user

I have a question: if we purchase e.g. 10 business licences for 10 developers and one developer quits and another one joins the company, can we reuse a licence?


This is really hindering my ability to use the Jetbrains tools. I had upgraded my subscription from individual PyCharm/WebStorm license to the full toolbox so that I could take advantage of DataGrip/PyCharm/WebStorm and possibly Project Rider - however, running even one of these tools on a VM guest on the same machine precludes my ability to use any of the others on the VM host. I'm constantly bombarded with license collisions. This is not a workable situation with today's development environments, and it's ridiculous to think that I should have a license for each individual tool on every instance that I want to run it. 


Kevin, all the systems you work on should have the same user account name, then you will be able to run multiple product instances at the same time.


How would that work when one is Windows and one is Linux? Your message above indicates that 'license agreement restricts concurrent use' including '

(b) Licensee may not:

(iii) use the License Key on different Clients or operating systems at a time.'

...and this is the exact scenario that we develop under.


See the UPDATE paragraph in the very beginning of the document, the policy has been relaxed to allow concurrent use for the same user (determined by OS login account name).


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