Collecting Java debugger logs
To get the raw logs from the Java debugger please perform the following steps:
- Add -Didea.debugger.trace=ALL into the .vmoptions file using the Help | Edit Custom VM Options menu.
- Start IntelliJ IDEA from the command line (Terminal) so that console output can be observed. On Windows run bin\idea.bat, on Linux start with bin/, on macOS use this command in the Terminal: /Applications/IntelliJ\
- Reproduce the problem with the debugger, copy all the text from the console and attach it to your report.
In case there is a lot of output it may be handy to start IntelliJ IDEA with the console output redirected to a file (idea.bat > output.txt on Windows, > output.txt on Linux).
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If you see the following output when running,
, edit idea.exe.vmoptions to remove the illegal comment "# custom IntelliJ IDEA VM options" to work around this defect.
There could be some issue with your .vmoptions file in the config directory ( Wrong line endings or some incorrect Unicode symbol or option.
Is there no output sent to stderr? Just stdout?
The instructions above seem to assume all output of interest goes to stdout.
It should go to stdout.
For Windows, use: