Cmd+Shift+A hotkey opens Terminal with "apropos" search instead of the Find Action dialog


  • When Cmd+Shift+A hotkey is invoked, Terminal search opens with "appropos" command instead of the Find Action dialog:


  • macOS has been updated to 10.14.4


macOS 10.14.4 adds the new default shortcut for the Search man Page Index in Terminal:



  • Disable/change the key binding for the Search man Page Index in Terminal feature:
    1. Open Apple menu | System Preferences | Keyboard | Shortcuts | Services
    2. Disable Search man Page Index in Terminal (or change the shortcut)
  • Use Search Everywhere (Shift+Shift) shortcut instead of Find Action (Cmd+Shift+A).


See IDEA-209726 for more details. We also plan to detect the conflicts with the system default shortcuts in the future, follow IDEA-210411 for the updates.

598 out of 605 found this helpful
Permanently deleted user

Thank you so much! This was driving me crazy today.

Permanently deleted user

Thank you for sharing this, super frustrating for a bit there! I updated mine to Shift + Command + P to mimick other editors.


Thanks you! This saved my day.


Thanks! I knew it was a system shortcut intercepting it but for the life of me I couldn't find the one that was causing it.


I cannot reproduce this issue.

The shortcut is configured both in MacOS (10.15.3 (19D76)) and IntelliJ (Ultimate 2019.3.3) on my machine. (OOTB).

IntelliJ also complains on startup, that the shortcut conflicts with a MacOS shortcut. ("Find Action..., Move to Another Changelist... shortcuts conflict with macOS system shortcuts. Modify shortcuts or change macOS system settings.)

However, when pressing Cmd+Shift+A, the Find Action dialog opens without issues.

The warning in IntelliJ must be a false-positive.


Made my day. Thank you so much!


Thanks a lot this saved me from a lot of hassle.


I’ve written a command-line script that can be used to manipulate the settings to disable these shortcuts. It’s available here.

Edited by Mark Crossfield

Thanks for the help Elena, webstorm is the best IDE in the planet. You guys are leading the pack. Im a field consultant and no one can keep up with me Im leaving all the competition in the dust.

I could use a way to automatically populate my typescript with jsdoc comments might you know of a way?



Brilliant! Thank you. 


in intellij settings i see a warning about "shortcuts conflict with macOS system shortcuts" but it should be nice if there is a link to a help document or a help how to disable the macOS shortcuts


Amazing, thanks!
Maybe webstorm can add a tooltip to help users find the issue faster


Thank you! In Ventura 13.0.1, Should operate like this:

  1. Open Apple menu | System Settings | Keyboard | Keyboard Shortcuts | Services
  2. Expand Text
  3. Uncheck Search man Page Index in Terminal (or change the shortcut)


Just for completness, here is a solution that is terminal oneliner: (credit:

TEMP_SETTINGS_FILE=$(mktemp -t 'man-shortcuts-off.json')
  "NSServicesStatus": {
    " - Open man Page in Terminal - openManPage": {
      "presentation_modes": {
        "ContextMenu": false,
        "ServicesMenu": false
      "enabled_context_menu": false,
      "enabled_services_menu": false
    " - Search man Page Index in Terminal - searchManPages": {
      "presentation_modes": {
        "ContextMenu": false,
        "ServicesMenu": false
      "enabled_context_menu": false,
      "enabled_services_menu": false
# Settings are stored in the pbs domain. Other settings in this domain will not be overwritten. I’ve included the settings to change in JSON for brevity. They are converted to XML (which `defaults import` expects) before being imported.
plutil -convert xml1 -o - ${TEMP_SETTINGS_FILE} | defaults import pbs -



@Cyrill FYI I already shared my script (which that is a mirror of) in this thread. Glad you found it useful! 🙂


Thanks very much for this… difficult to find. 

Shocked to see how little value all of those Keyboard Shortcuts added – I disabled many in that pane.  


Thank you! tiny fix that made my day!


bro jumped on a hand grenade here for us today


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