Apple Silicon Support in JetBrains IDEs
Most JetBrains IDEs now run natively on Apple Silicon. Here is the current state of Apple Silicon support in each JetBrains IDE:
- AppCode supports Apple Silicon starting with v2020.3. Learn more in the blog.
- CLion supports Apple Silicon starting with v2020.3.1. Learn more in the blog.
- DataGrip supports Apple Silicon starting with v2020.3.1. Learn more in the blog.
- GoLand supports Apple Silicon starting with v2020.3.1. Learn more in the blog, but please note that Delve with arm64 support is bundled since v2020.3.2 and the debugger works without workarounds since that version.
- IntelliJ IDEA supports Apple Silicon starting with v2020.3.1. Learn more in the blog.
- PHPStorm supports Apple Silicon starting with v2020.3.1. Learn more in the blog.
- PyCharm supports Apple Silicon starting with v2020.3.1. Learn more in the blog.
- Rider supports Apple Silicon starting with v2021.3.
- RubyMine supports Apple Silicon starting with v2020.3.1. Learn more in the blog.
- WebStorm supports Apple Silicon starting with v2020.3.1. Learn more in the blog.
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Any dates re: Rider?
Why does Rider always lag behind? Every other IDE has had Code With Me for quite some time now, but not Rider. Now Rider is the only IDE not working properly on apple silicon.
Is Rider not a priority, or is it just a lot more complicated than all the others?
Dear Gideon Yuval and @...! Thanks for your interest in the M1 support in Rider. Right now, I don't have good news for you. The work is still in progress.
Bringing the M1 support and the Code With Me into Rider is a bit complicated task. Rider has another architecture and consists of a frontend (IDEA) and backend (ReSharper as a language service) with the RD protocol in between (learn more about this here). And this is the reason why it needs lots more effort to bring these supports to Rider.
We hope for your understanding.
Dear Alexander Kurakin I just updated my Apple Silicon version of IntelliJ (through the Toolbox), but it is now listed just as "IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate". Has the name changed? Or is it now the Intel version?
Hi Heiner Lamprecht,
Could you please clarify which naming was before updating?
I had installed the IDEA Ultimate for Apple Silicon (along with a couple of others). When Toolbox updated to Toolbox App 1.20.8352, macOS 11.3, the names all dropped the "for Apple Silicon," and when I run a check, they all appear as Intel64 builds.
Same as comments above. Updated several Apple Silicon Apps, and after the updates- the "Apple Silicon" disappeared. It looks like Intel64.
@... just like the others already said: Previously, the app was called "IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate for Apple Silicon". After the update, it is only called "IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate". All "for Apple Silicon" versions disappeared from the toolbox.
Apple Silicon versions are merged now in Toolbox App and selected depending on the hardware you use. So if you install IDE on a M1 Mac, you'll get the build previously titled "for Apple Silicon". Titles of previously installed IDEs "for Apple Silicon" will be changed as well once you update the IDE.
I previously had both versions of the IDEs, e.g. WebStorm and WebStorm for Apple Silicon. And now after the update, I just have two versions of the installed IDEs without the "for Apple Silicon" suffix.
It's very confusing. Are they anyhow different? If they are the same, why then are you keeping both of the versions?
If you had Intel and Apple Silicon versions of IDE, after update the both instances should be the same (for M1), just remove any one of them.
Olga Lavrenteva
Very inconvenient though! Updates should not mess up the user's current installations.
How does one know that it's installing an M1 version of the IDE?
It sounds like there is no way to install the IDE as intel64 if you have Apple Silicon, true?
I just uninstalled all IDEs and re-installed them from the Toolbox App. Under system information, the toolbox app shows iOS, and the IDEs show twice, one is Intel64, and the other is Universal.
Can you please tell me which features are supported in CLion for embedded development using C/C++ on Apple Silicon platform. I mean which toolchains are currently available/integrated for cross compilation, e.g. for arm cortex processors? I know I can google these topics one by one, but maybe you’ve already tested some combinations?
Maksym CLion on M1 has the same functionality as on Intel Macs. And here are the details on embedded development capabilities in CLion:
How come after installing the Apple Silicon versions of WebStorm and Rider they still show up as Intel in the System Report?

Same here with PyCharm. I am running the Silicon version of the Toolbox, but for some reason it only installs the Intel version of PyCharm (and WebStorm).
I just got a warning that WebStorm wouldn't work anymore with a future update of macOS and needs to be updated? I've installed it via Toolbox and it says there are no updates available?
Any idea, when toolbox support android studio m1 version ? Google support it on stable, preview and canary :
I just tried installing IntelliJ, DataGrip and WebStorm via the Apple Silicon version of Toolbox, and it looks like it installed the Intel versions (I get told I need to install Rosetta).
I tried downloading the Apple Silicon versions directly, and that worked fine.
Do I need to do something special in Toolbox to get it to download the Apple Silicon versions?
Actually, it's a bit weirder than I reported yesterday. If I open the apps directly from Toolbox, they open fine, but if I open them using Spotlight (or directly from ~/Applications/JetBrains Toolbox/), then they need Rosetta.
It seems the ones launched from Toolbox are in a different location (~/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/...)
I'm not sure if others are facing issues but I'm on 2021.3.3 and I'm having a lot of issues. I get notifications from apple and IDEA that I need to update to a newer version for the IDE to work properly on the silicon chip

I am on a new m1 macbook pro.
After Installing PyCharm Professional Edition, from the toolbox, It appears that it is installing both an intel and a silicon version.
the intel version is located in /Applications/...
while the silicon version is installed under ~/Library/Application Support/...
As expected if I open the intel version (the default when using spotlight, as its under applications) I get a message about rosetta. When I open the ~/App Support/ version it opens the application
I see the following under "about this mac" -> system report -> software -> applications
The update to Monterey 12.5 seems to have removed Rosetta 2 from my MacBook Pro M1 (wonderful in my view!), but Datagrip would not start anymore, suggesting I install Rosetta again. I did not want to do that and uninstalling and reinstalling from the Toolbox did not resolve the issue and neither did a restart. I ended up downloading the Apple Silicon .dmg files from the Jetbrains website and reinstalled all tooling (Intellij, PyCharm, RubyMine, Datagrip) from the disk images and now everything is working fine. The tools also show up in the Toolbox so fingers crossed the automatic update feature is still working.
So I deleted the Intel apps that were in `~/Applications/JetBrains Toolbox`
Now Spotlight can't find the Silicon apps. How do I configure my computer so that the apps can be found by Spotlight?
Application Support/JetBrains/Toolbox
➜ find . -name "*.app"
# edited to remove the jcef helpers...
And Android Studio? not even mentioned :(