PsiLiteralExpression for Pycharm Plugin


Hi, I'm working on a plugin for Pycharm, and wanted to implement new Language. So, I followed the tutorial

The example works fine, but if I want to do the same in my project, the PsiLiteralExpression is not available.

My Gradle build script has the following:

version = '2022.3.1'
type = 'PC'
plugins = ["PythonCore"]

If I add change it as in the simple_language_plugin,:

plugins = ["PythonCore", ""]

I get the error:

Cannot find builtin plugin '' for IDE: ....

 I found out, that the problem is, this plugin is not available for Pycharm flavor (type = 'PC').

My question is: Is it possible to use the PsiLiteralExpression in Pycharm plugins, or I need to do some workaround?





Hi Miloslav,

Simple language example integrates with Java files, and PsiLiteralExpression is a part of Java PSI and is available only in Java plugin.

Java plugin is not a part of PyCharm, and I guess you don’t want to depend on Java functionality available in IntelliJ IDEA. If you want to add a similar support in Python files, I suggest using PsiViewer plugin or Tools | View PSI Structure… to inspect Python files PSI and see what element is similar to PsiLiteralExpression in the Python PSI.


Thanks Karol, I got a little bit into PSI and solved it another way.


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