"Conditionally disabled code" rust inspection. How do I disable it?
I don't see conditionally disabled code as a problem so would rather not see it in the Problems tab, however I cannot how to disable this inspection. Can anyone enlighten me?
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Hi Andy!
"Conditionally disabled code" is not just an inspection. It shows how the IDE or the compiler looks throughout the code. A conditionally disabled code is excluded from the compilation or IDE analysis and feels like a comment. More details - https://blog.jetbrains.com/clion/2020/10/intellij-rust-new-functionality-for-cargo-features/
It's not possible to disable "Conditionally disabled code". But it's a bug that these reports are shown in the Problems tool window. The responsible developer has opened an issue about that in the Rust plugin tracker - https://github.com/intellij-rust/intellij-rust/issues/10264. Feel free to comment or upvote it.
Thanks Anna.