How tell always save file before commit?
Sometimes the IDE asks me to save before commit or postpone saving after commit
How to make it so it always saves before commit?
Is there a setting that I can enable?
Thank you
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Here's a screenshot, please check
Confirm this bug exists (just updated to latest version and got it) and confirm that disabling on save actions avoids this message to be shown.
Basically, I tried to reproduce the issue by disabling autosave everywhere it is possible but I cannot get this warning, IDE saves the file automatically for me.
Would it be possible to capture and show the screenshot of this warning?
Sorry I didn't send a screenshot, I though it's a known issue
I will send you a screenshot as soon as it happens
Best regards
It looks quite similar to this report:
Do you have any "Actions on save" and/or "Before commit" options enabled?
I have these options enabled
Could you please try to temporarily untick these two options and check if a warning message on commit still appear?
Yes, I can try that
I will check if that's what's causing the issue
I am also using “actions on save” in settings to perform “google-java-format” on save. I am encountering this “save files during commit” dialog every time I perform a commit. It's annoying and I'm hoping this bug is resolved soon.