Compilation error in IntelliJ IDEA source code: Package not found and symbol cannot be resolved
I am trying to build IntelliJ IDEA from source code by following the build instructions.but I am facing this error message while compiling the code :
java: package org.apache.commons.lang does not exist
java: cannot find symbol
symbol: variable SystemUtils
location: class
I also see some invalid dependencies in the project structure window:
-Module invalid item 'commons-lang' in the dependencies list
-Module invalid item 'commons-lang' in the dependencies list
-Module invalid item 'commons-lang' in the dependencies list
-Module invalid item 'commons-lang' in the dependencies list
-Module invalid item 'commons-lang' in the dependencies list
-Module android.sdktools.db-compiler: invalid item 'commons-lang' in the dependencies list
It seems like the package org.apache.commons.lang cannot be found, and the symbol SystemUtils cannot be resolved. Additionally, there are invalid items in the dependencies list of multiple modules.
Can someone help me with this error? What could be the reason for this error, and how can I resolve it?
Also, I encountered a problem in the script, but I was able to solve it.
It was :
fatal: read error: Connection reset by peer fatal: early EOF fatal: index-pack failed
The solution I followed :
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Could you please attach screenshot from "Project Structure | Modules | "Intellij - Android - As-driver - utils" - Dependencies"?
It looks like some issue with project configuration. "common-lang" dependency shouldn't be there. Could you please try to import "community" project again?
I tried that and the same problem happens.
Could you please open "Project Structure | Libraries", find "common-lang", click on "Reload" and attach idea.log ("Help | Show Log in..") and screenshot from "Libraries" afterwards?