Pycharm's Run window
So I am new to Pycharm I currently have version 2022.3.3 (community addition)
I play a lot with bash scripting so I'm a little bit familiar with programming but not a lot
I am making my first program in Pycharm in Windows 10
here is my sample
import colorama
import os
import time
Number = '\033[1;32m'
Menu_list = '\033[1;34m'
Reset = '\033[0m'
print(Number, '1)', Menu_list, 'Linux check for updates')
print(Number, '2)', Menu_list, 'Linux check for upgrades')
print(Number, '3)', Menu_list, 'apt autoremove ( if no longer required remove them')
print(Number, '4)', Menu_list, 'Linux Bin Library ( Retrieve for Linux computer only')
print(Number, '5)',)
It works perfectly in Windows 10 cmd terminal
What I don't understand is why Pycharm's
Run window shows the " symbol instead of clearing the screen
Is this normal or him I missing something
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Please try enabling "Emulate terminal in the output console" option in the run/debug configuration -- this should allow for shell commands like `cls` to work properly.
It took me a while to find it because I knew pycharm but I did and I enabled it and it worked perfectly
it is now emulating exactly what cmd terminal is doing
I know it was a little thing but sometimes the little things do matter
thank you very much for your help