Loading annotations is stuck
Background task of 'Loading Annotations' is stuck, also stopping this background task gets stuck (attached 2 snips)
IntelliJ IDEA 2022.3.3 (Ultimate Edition)
Build #IU-223.8836.41, built on March 10, 2023
Runtime version: 17.0.6+1-b653.34 amd64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.
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Could you please try to invalidate caches and restart your IDE? (File > Invalidate Caches.. > Invalidate Caches and Restart)
If that doesn't help - please capture 3-5 thread dumps (via jstack) while the 'Loading Annotations' background process is running for a long time.
Also, please provide your IDE logs (Help > Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data). You can upload the zip file here: https://uploads.jetbrains.com, and provide the uploaded file ID.
I had the same issue, invalidating caches and restarting resolved it for me. Thanks Ivan!
The same issue for a long time. Just have to use Activity Monitor to kill Idea app. Caches clean doesn't help.
Thread dumps are here Upload ID: 2024_10_08_tUoVfyAf8ZRbn9ERk4HBLB (file: dump.txt)
It is impossible to provide my IDE logs (Help > Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data) becuase app just hangs without any response
Hello, Ybarannikov. Unfortunately, the thread dumps you shared doesn't seem to be relevant. Could you please compress and share via the JetBrains Uploads the full IDE logs directory?
Hi, Olga.
Upload id: 2024_10_09_qMSKrRGL39VkGBpiFnJwSR (file: ide_logs.zip)
Hi, Ybarannikov,
I have checked your log and your thread dump but the root cause is still unclear.
Could you please reproduce this freeze issue, refer [jstack section guide](https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206544899-Getting-a-thread-dump-when-IDE-hangs-and-doesn-t-respond) to capture 2-3 thread dumps and share them?
Thanks a lot.
Lejia, I've made 3 thread dumps and uploaded them as 2024_10_16_cJohKQHFFcHm5tbKwWvqiE (file: ThreadDumps.zip)
Please be aware that this time I can see git files, but with the significant delay like 20 seconds. And after that, other annotations are loaded very fast. Not sure how things will go further, but it started working. Slow from the beginning, but then fast. Lets see.
Please let me know if you can find any reason from the thread dumps.
Thank you
Thank you for all the provided information, Ybarannikov.
The thread dumps show the process of retrieving Git log information. This process could take a bit of time when invoked for the first time. But it should not take loo long. Do you have project located on the local drive? Any symlinks?
This, however still does not explain why the IDE freezes for you:
If it was the case we would have seen a lot of automatic thread dumps. But thread dumps are empty.
Could it have been a focus problem: when IDE somehow looses the focus and it cannot be regained?
If this issue happens again, please collect all the IDE logs and attach them. Please also describe what exactly you see in IDE when issue happens: your actions and expected/actual result. Thank you.
By the way to speed up Annotations loading you can enable Settings | Advanced Settings | Load file annotations from VCS when file is opened in editor option.
So my IDE hanged again when I clicked on Annotations to see what's been changed in git. Completely unresponsible. I expects to be able to work with IDE, but I can do nothing, it just hanged forever so I had to kill it and start again.
The thread dumps have been uploaded Upload id: 2024_10_23_ibrfspa2gnqjG1BZRRkt6W (file: Archive 4.zip)
Thank you for the thread dumps! I have created the issue for the investigation: IJPL-165251 Loading Git Annotations locks the IDE
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The advice I got from the development team is to try disabling the Hash column in the Git log and restart the IDE:
Please try it as a possible workaround.
Thank you. Actually the same situation if I just open Git tab. The IDE completely freezes and completely unresponsible until kill it from Activity Monitor after 5 minutes of waiting.
So I even couldn't open Git tab to disable Hash
This option is global. Try to open any other Git project and disable the option there.
it was disabled before,