Images with path «attachment:image.png» in the ipynb file aren’t displayed


Currently I’m taking a machine learning course at my university, and I ran into a problem with images displaying from.ipynb files inside PyCharm. The image is displayed properly by Google Collab and Jupyter:

Pasted Graphic.png

But I prefer using PyCharm, and I got this instead of the actual picture:

Pasted Graphic 1.png

The markdown code for this image is: ![image.png](attachment:image.png)

After quick research, I know that this image was drag-and-dropped to a notebook, and PyCharm can’t handle such images (DataSpell too). It simply doesn’t recognise that it is a different type of image. To reproduce this problem, you can create an empty notebook, copy any image from your PC, paste it into the Markdown cell (via Jupiter in the browser), and open the notebook in PyCharm.

I’m using PyCharm 2023.1 (Professional Edition), Build #PY-231.8109.197, built on March 29, 2023. My system is a Macbook Pro 14 2021.

Also, I found something similar from a few years ago:

Did anyone meet the same problem?  Is there a way to solve it?


I'm also bothered by this issue, did you find any solution?


Unfortunately, no. I just open notebook in Jupyter if needed. :(

At least it's easer to do by this button in PyCharm:

I'm also wondering why no one from the support team has responded.



Similar to you, but I use the VSCode rather than jupyter browser. I'm wondering too why PyCharm can't support the image attachment in notebook. Anyway in my impression, PyCharm is the best IDE of Python, but now I think VSCode is the best Editor for small python projects!



I have the same question.If there is another solution to this,please tell me!Thanks!


Upvote. Please fix it


Yeah, consider voting, and let's wait another two years for such a bizarre feature to be included in your notebooks! Kudos!


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