Saving jupyter notebooks DataSpell


I haven't used DataSpell before so my experience is low but as a normal human being I know how to save files. But here I have the issue that i cannot save my work: jupyter notebooks. I also document my projects with git but that should not be the reason. I try the normal key combinations and click every possible field but even if I open the project with Notepad++ to verify after saving nothing changed!!!

What am I doing wrong?



Hmm yeah, I don't really understand this either. Seems to me that they are saved automatically, and that the only save option is "Save All". If this is the case it would be nice to know that this is how DataSpell works, since it is nerve wracking to shut down and open again next day, hoping that the work was saved.


Can someone please explain how this works?


I've used Dataspell for over a year now and I've had quite a few cases where work hasn't saved. Unfortunately I will no longer be using dataspell because of this exact problem, I can't pin down why this is happening. It may be related to saving to a synced directory.


Unusually in these cases the version control for onedrive and googledrive both show the differences in the outputs of a cell over different file versions, but the code cells are extremely out of date.  The cell code may be from 4 hours ago, but with cell outputs from 1 hour ago. I have not experienced this issue with VSCode or Jupyterlab.


Hmm yeah, why is no one else talking about this? I still have no answer to this question and now this question is 5 months old.


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