Different behavior between tests and Dev instance
Hi everyone
I'm having a hard time figuring out why pattern isn't detected in test run (i use tdd).
I'm trying to get a pattern working inside a stream lambda, and this is my test file:
package org.apache.ofbiz;
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.Delegator;
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException;
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue;
import org.apache.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityQuery;
import org.apache.ofbiz.service.LocalDispatcher;
import java.util.List;
public class EntityFieldCompletionInGetFieldInFilterStream {
void testFunction(LocalDispatcher disp) throws GenericEntityException {
Delegator delegator = disp.getDelegator();
List<GenericValue> ents = EntityQuery.use(delegator).from("Party").queryList();
ents.stream().filter(ent -> ent.get("<caret>") != null);
Now this doesn't work.
Here is my pattern
public static final String GENERIC_ENTITY_CLASS = 'org.apache.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntity'
public static final PsiElementPattern ENTITY_FIELD_COMPL = psiElement().inside(GENERIC_VALUE_FIELD)
public static final PsiElementPattern GENERIC_VALUE_FIELD = psiElement().andOr(
makeGenericEntityJavaMethodPattern('get', 0),
static Capture<PsiLiteralExpression> makeGenericEntityJavaMethodPattern(String methodName, int index) {
return makeMethodJavaPattern(methodName, GENERIC_ENTITY_CLASS, index)
static Capture<PsiLiteralExpression> makeMethodJavaPattern(String methodName, String className, int index) {
return makeMethodPattern(PsiJavaPatterns::literalExpression(), methodName, className, index)
static Object makeMethodPattern(PsiJavaElementPattern<? extends PsiLiteral, ?> elementPattern,
String methodName, String className, int index) {
return elementPattern.methodCallParameter(index, PsiJavaPatterns.psiMethod().withName(methodName).definedInClass(className))
I use the ENTITY_FIELD_COMPL pattern for registering completion contributor.
Now, with the test file, the pattern doesn't seem to work, but when i launch the dev instance with the exact same method, the pattern works.
The only difference between the dev instance and the test file are the class name, and the package name.
Does anyone has an idea ?
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It's hard to tell the reason with this information, but I guess it is a test project setup issue. I suggest debugging the code to see what is missing.
Thanks for your answer Karol. Seems big but i'll try.
Do you maybe have some starting point ?
I suggest the following approach:
Hello again Karol.
I tried the approach you recomended.
It's even more confusing. I went up to CompletionContributor.java:154 (i'm still using version 223 because some other issue)
- In the case of the test run, the condition of pattern is false, so the completion doesn't start.
- In the case of the dev instance, the pattern condition is true, and the completion fires up.
I compared the PsiStructure using the Psi view built in tool, and the psi is EXACTLY the same in test file and dev instance
In one case, pattern is ok, and in the other it isn't.
I thought maybe of an import or compilation issue in test setup, but in other tests i use the same imports as the ones in the faling test file, so that would be surprising.
But that's my only guess for now.
Is there a way in fixture to get errors detected in file that would prevent pattern matching ?
I don’t think so. Missing imports or something breaking resolving is a good trail. I suggest debugging patterns
methods and methods around, e.g.:accept()
inPsiJavaElementPattern.methodCallParameter(ElementPattern<? extends PsiMethod>)
inPsiMethodPattern#definedInClass(ElementPattern<? extends PsiClass>)
If the problem is that class or method cannot be resolved, then you should review your test context setup.