Keep VALUES and RETURNING clause from indenting for INSERT

How the heck can I keep the VALUES and RETURNING from indenting.

My SQL is in a .ts file wrapped in a templated string.

I've been playing around with the SQL formatting in JetBrains preferences but can't seem to get rid of this indenting.

Originally I have for example in one of my CTEs:

newJob AS (
INSERT INTO job (country_id)
VALUES (${job.countryId})
RETURNING job_id, country_id
And when I save the SQL formatting is indenting it like this, which I hate as it's for some reason indenting VALUES and RETURNING:
 newJob AS (
     INSERT INTO job (country_id)
         VALUES (${job.countryId})
         RETURNING job_id, country_id),


1 comment

What SQL dialect is it? Did you inject any specific dialect into this SQL fragment using quick actions (yellow lightbulb)?

Does it make a difference if you restore the SQL code style settings to defaults?

As a workaround, you can explicitly disable formatting for injected content:


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