Intellij cannot launch because 'process 2' already running


After using intellij for multiple years on the same pc without any problum, suddenly this happened. When I want to startup my intellij on Ubuntu I get an error: "IDE Already Running", Cannot connect to already running IDE instance. CannotActivateException: Process 2 is still running. When I press "V ok" intellij starts up, opens, and then closes immediatly. I've tried restarting my pc and reinstalling intellij. When I check my running processes, nothing that has anything to do with intelijj is running. 


I'm facing the same issue on POP OS 22.04.


I'm facing the same issue on POP OS 22.04.


I'm facing the same issue on POP OS 22.04.
After IntelliJ updated to 2023.1 it keeps crashing with the same error.
Since Slack was mentioned above, I tried to open IntelliJ with Slack closed, and it still crashed.
Also, reinstall did not help.



Same here after upgrade to 231 version. The loading screen appear and I can see the app window. After that app shutdown and get the message if trying to relaunch.

I'm on POPos.




This is because when IntelliJ / the host machine shuts down incorrectly it leaves a .lock file. During the start Idea seems to not even check if there's an OS lock on it, just the presence of the file prevents it from starting. So even a reboot won't fix this problem since the files will stay put. Manually removing the file will make IntelliJ usable again.

This could probably be changed to be made more robust by locking the file, and testing if the file is actually locked  / in use, or not use a file to check if Idea is active in the first place.

For flatpack install the location is:

For normal installs:


Same problem. I'm in Pop_Os, after the last release sometimes it work, when I select any project, or also when I try to create a new project, it crash.



Do you have Slack running?


I have POP OS, and solved installing Intellij not from the official POP OS store, but from repository by the terminal. I think the problem is on the flat pack version


I have the same on RHEL9, Idea installed via Toolbox... I just find any "intellij" process, "kill -9" them and try again, works like a charm then


For anyone looking for a solution - deleting: 


resolves the issue


I'm using PopOS 22.04, to fix it I used
kill -9 <PID that appears on the pop up screen>


I am on RHEL8 and I have the same issue since today. When opening it by simply pressing the icon or trying to open it via flatpak, it still fails.

I don't have Slack installed and restarting/updating did not work. I am providing the stack trace which appeared when trying to open with flatpak.


Is it reproducible if you download IDE archive from official site, expand it and run IDE?


I resolved installing version from the official website. Problem is in flathub


I had a similar issue on Pop-OS and solved it by installing by the terminal


I have never seen this error before but in the last week it happened 3-4 times when trying to open IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1.
I have version #IU-231.8109.175 installed via JetBrains Toolbox.

I click OK and the second time opens fine.


Removing the .lock in ~/.var/app/com.jetbrains.IntelliJ-IDEA-Ultimate/config/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2023.2 helped me on PopOS 


I got the same error:

Start Failed
Cannot connect to already running IDE instance.
Exception: Process 7,505 is still running

I tried to kill the related process (7505), it solved my problem, but the process was my browser…

Have a good day. 


Deleting `.lock` file seems to do the trick.

Flatpack path: `~/.var/app/com.jetbrains.<product>/config/JetBrains/<product>/.lock`

Deb / Toolbox path: `~/.config/JetBrains/<product>/.lock`

I tend to just “shutdown” my pc without closing my running apps, I believe this might be cause of the lock file lingering.



There is no such process.

I tried deleting all JB products and re-installing, same thing. Also killing every java process on the system.

Everything was working fine until JB Toolbox did some upgrade…


Kill the process from your cmd:

taskkill /F /PID <PID> 

Your PID is written in your exception window after the word Process


Same issue, just encountered it today on Mac Big Sur, official dmg 2023.2.2, re-installed, restarted Mac, shutdown Mac and restarted Mac, opened Settings→Security & Privacy there are no alerts here.

Can't see a fix anywhere.

Tried to kill the pid but its Macs Security managerI think.

Been using Intellij for 20 years , never had an issue.

Is there a fix



I had this same issue. I'm using Linux Mint 21.2 Cinnamon and the Idea is installed with Flatpak. I managed to resolve this issue by removing lock-file found in  ~/.var/app/com.jetbrains.IntelliJ-IDEA-Ultimate/config/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2023.2/.lock 


Remove the .lock file



In my Mac there is a file named .lock in ~/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2023.2 folder, the contents of the file is the unix process id of the running idea instance. When the computer is chrashing while idea is running, this file will not be deleted after reboot, so idea will not start. I manually deleted this file and everything went back to normal.


I have identical problem today. Tried also to remove and install again, but nothing changed. I have Ubuntu 22.04


i am also facing the same problem, it started today.

I restarted my computer thinking I would have some IDE open in the background, but without success, I still have the same problem

my problem is occurring in Datagrip.


Hi. I have the same problem. Reinstall does not help.


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