custom CompletionContributor not working in JAVA language method string parameter
Hello, in my plugin development, I try to do a simple example, but it's not working, nothing happened.
I following the question to put breakpoints but it wasn't trigger.
Q: My completion is not working! How do I debug it?
here is my code, help me please, thanks.
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
<completion.contributor language="JAVA" order="first"
here, when I typing 'hell', nothing happened.
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another way implement ReferenceContributor,
method getVariants() never called, why?
didn't get any suggestions.
I found I already implemented, the reason is macOS Ctrl+Space conflict with idea, and CompletionConfidence help me resolved.
@ 程钰兴
I meet the same problem in Groovy.
Can you please explain in detail how it was resolved?
What the meaning of “and CompletionConfidence help me resolved.”