When will old UI be deprecated?
When will the old UI be official deprecated/gone/unusable?
"While we are still iterating on the refinement and polishing of the new UI (based on the insightful feedback we expect to get from our users), we plan to keep both the old and new UI for at least a year after the new UI becomes the default"
"For now, we have no plans to eliminate the traditional UI, and it will be an option at least until the end of the next year"
Dmitry Jemerov (employee)
"We do plan to provide exactly this kind of a setting for some time, but unfortunately we can’t keep it available forever because maintaining two parallel versions of the UI has very significant costs for us (related not as much to new UI implementation but mostly to the UI design and development for new features, testing, marketing/documentation etc. – we can’t do all of that twice for the old and the new UI)."
I am going to be blunt here, I don't like the new UI. Enough people have already written what they think is wrong with it. I agree with most of it. It's only fair that I don't pay for a product that I don't like anymore. Or a product with an unclear future when it comes to essential features like the UI.
Can we get some more information on this?
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If old UI will be deprecated or disabled, I won't pay for new license. There are other IDE with new UI-like interface, such as free VSCode. I pay for old UI only.
Was constantly changing to new UI and back, again and again trying to get used to it, alas… (using both Idea and Rider)
just NO, I dont want to keep constantly hovering over the icons to read what they do. If they remove old UI I most likely will change to other IDE. As simple as this!
P.S. Dear JetBrains we (developers) are not instagram users…
Sorry don't really like the new UI either. If it is not broke don't fix it.
Let's be honest here, the new UI is simply trying to copy the VSCode UI, which for some reason became very popular in recent years.
I've always seen JetBrains products as intended for power users, not eye candy, but I guess I was wrong, honestly I'll gladly pay X3 the price just to keep the current UI.
Ekaterina Valeeva
You are asking me what's wrong with the new UI. The problem is “opportunity cost”.
I have enough things to learn, I don't need to spend my time learning your new UI scheme. If I have to learn a new UI, I will pick something that doesn't cost me money(vscode). This is not complicated.
I share the sentiments of all the comments here. PLEASE do not remove the old ui.
I am productive in the old UI - tried vscode a few times but after a some time.. ahhh back to pycharm.
Suggestion for the new UI : make it into a new product
If the old UI is removed, the new-UI annoyance is enough motivation to switch to sth else.
I agree with others, I do not like this new UI. You are eroding one of the two reasons I stick with IntelliJ.
1. You have an excellent git tool/log that I know.
2. I know the UI well as well. If you make me switch to the new UI, I'll just start using VSCode for free.
I've been using WebStorm for about 11 years now, and let me be absolutely clear: I will NOT continue paying for it if the new UI is forced on us.
The product has been getting laggier and laggier over the years, and instead of fixing the performance issues, you're wasting resources on a UI change that no one wants or needs.
Enough is enough. This is the final straw.
How does one submit feedback on the new UI?
I have been trying it for about two hours now and have not accomplished any actual work due to fighting with the ne UI.
Thank god, I already migrated to VSCode, for now I'm using old version of Android Studio just to keep using old UI. After removing old UI, I'm not gonna use even Android Studio. When it comes to new UI it's even worse than VSCode. VSCode is free and Swiss army knife for developer. But JetBrains IDE's was made with specialization in mind. Let's see where will be JetBrains after couple years with paid version of VSCode without rich customization extensions.
Hi Nadia, I see the thread you shared. In short Jetbrains must not remove the old UI, ideally they need to remove new UI. Old is so much better and simpler
I just switched from 2024.1 Beta back to 2023.3.4 because I couldn't disable the new ui. I've been paying for all the products for ~20 years and I am tempted to pin that version and stop upgrading.
I can only agree with Karen's comment “P.S. Dear JetBrains we (developers) are not instagram users…” ! PLEASE JETBRAINS LET US WORK OUR WAY.
There is a vast user base that PAY to have a TOOL they LIKE. I personally can't bear this new UI as it really does not fit my inner logic as an old grumpy dev, and i know i'm really not alone.
It would be nice to ask DEVELOPERS and not DESIGNERS what to do with the UI of our EVERYDAY TOOL.
Sorry for the uppercase words, but i'm really sad about this really unwanted change.
I get that you want people to use the new UI, and if they want to, that's great.
But why would you take away the option to use the classic UI?
If i wanted an IDE that looked like vs code, i'd use vs code.
I didn't mind the new UI being the default look as long as i could switch back to what i wanted.
I get that its a plugin now, but now its an extra plugin i have to download and keep updated with each and every new version that gets released, and sync across computers.
Please restore the option of using the old UI as being part of the installation package. Make it a separate download if you want, call it Clion Classic (honestly i'd prefer this option), but something besides a plugin.
Interesting thing from 2024 year about new UI. I'm lecturer in university and find out that new UI is harder for students than old one. So actually students try to use external instruments than using PyCharm and don't use all benefits of product at all. As a result there no diff in use with VScode for them.
JetBrains are you insane? This is worst than Microsoft and Apple treating it's users as retarded.
You force a new UI just to have a hi five of some JetBrains managers that they completed a big transformation project 2024 or with other corporate name on it. IDE is about automation and muscle memory, to speed up programming. If you force your users to clear everything they learned throught the years this is devatating in productivity terms!
I don't wanna pay for such crap (the UI) and your sick ideas on transforming products in new era. This is an Era of JetBrains fail.
The new UI tries to hide lots of things in order to maintain so-called “simplicity” and it is tailored for the macOS (for example, the main menu bar needs to click to show in Windows while it is on the system menu bar natively in MacOS). I am happier with the old UI, since it provides all the tools I need instead of forcing me to play hide-and-seek. For example:
I agree with Jeffrey Reynolds and good point from Blambert-ext
I don't agree that this if fine to have it as plugin because - think! It is now moved to a plugin and some day this plugin is not compatible with current version of IntelliJ (and other based products). That's an obvious plan for managers to push old UI outside of IDE and then stop supporting.
Start listening to your users. Because we PAY not you. This is not OSS project so we should obey your rules.
We pay, we demand, you listen.
Fires3as0n 2024.1.x
Yes, its possible to have a fallback (permanent) license for it, check your subscription page, and it will tell you outright.
2024.1 is my fallback version and i've canceled my automatic renewal after like 15 years.
Terrible, terrible, terrible changes. NEW UI is a default UI, OLD UI is wiped out from the IDE and avail as a plugin for who knows how long.
I will stop using & paying JB products if you will wipe out OLD UI from plugins. Also i stop all “JB friendly” talks w/ business untill there are no clear statement about (noone will hear from me advices to use JB products).
You're stabbed us in the back. I use IntellijIdea since 2005 as a student. I won't pay for new UI and also do all my best everywhere i have my hand on to wipe out JB products same way you wiped OLD UI.
I hope The Managers will see all those comments, including like of Jeffrey Reynolds when People declare to drop payment after many years of use.
1st of all classic ui aren't a plugin as is. It doesn't add a new functionality.
That's a very VERY dirty game. By default you have no option to use classic ui anymore from the box, while it exists in the IDE and could be enabled via external "plugin". That's disgusting as an act and disrespectful for the all customers. I feel that marketing team really think that they can do things that way.
Where can we vote to have the old UI always available via settings instead of as a plugin?
As of today, it is gone in the EAP.
I used the Toolbox to install the previous version and pin it.
That's obviously not a long term solution, since plugins will stop working over time.
After using IntelliJ and the rest of the tools for 20 years, I am going to start looking for a new IDE.
What is the latest version of Webstorm with normal UI? And is it possible to have a lifetime license for it? My subscription is expiring but I think it still could be usable for some time until I switch to VS Code.
I've been paying for the Jetbrains bundle for many years, but if the classic UI is no longer available, I'll unfortunately have to say goodbye. I might as well switch to using VS Code instead. Why are you trying to fix something that is not broken? You are scaring away your old customers.
Well, I've been into JB tools for 20+ years. I ain't fixing the UI that's not broken, and when we reach the end of the road we'll see.
The latest version of the new UI isn't even usable on Intel macOS machines. I'm still running 2022.3.3 until this issue is fixed: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/JBR-745/Improve-java2d-rendering-performance-on-macOS-by-using-Metal-framework
If you install pycharm with snap, you can prevent updates like this.
$ sudo snap refresh --hold=forever pycharm-professional
General refreshes of "pycharm-professional" held indefinitely
$ sudo snap list pycharm-professional
Name Version Rev Tracking Publisher Notes
pycharm-professional 2024.1.1 387 latest/stable jetbrains✓ classic,held
I've just had an awful day. My main Linux development PC died. I've had to totally rebuild it. I'm REALLY busy. I've just reinstalled JetBrains Rider, my main workhorse, and I can't use it. WHAT'S HAPPENED TO THE UI!!!!!!!!
I can't put anything anywhere where I can easily get at it, as I could before. Can't pin stuff to the bottom bar, can't get the left bar clear, I like all my stuff on the right or the bottom.
This is an absolute NIGHTMARE, I NEED TO WORK!!!!!
How do I get the old UI back. I'm a paying customer and you are doing a MASSIVE disservice to me!
Please advise ASAP.