Why are projectListeners red highlighted?
follwed https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/plugin-listeners.html#defining-application-level-listeners and actually works
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Hi Michael,
Please share the full project setup.
Hi, what exactly do you need?
Gradle build script and plugin.xml, at least.
# IntelliJ Platform Artifacts Repositories -> https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/intellij-artifacts.html
pluginName=Plugin Name
# SemVer format -> https://semver.org
# Supported build number ranges and IntelliJ Platform versions -> https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/build-number-ranges.html
# IntelliJ Platform Properties -> https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/tools-gradle-intellij-plugin.html#configuration-intellij-extension
#version.set("2022.3.1") // 223
#version.set("2022.3") // 223 -
#version.set("2022.2") // 222 - Java 17 (Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Gradle)
#version.set("2022.1") // 221
#version.set("2021.1") // 211
#version.set("2020.3") // 203
# Plugin Dependencies -> https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/plugin-dependencies.html
# Example: platformPlugins = com.intellij.java, com.jetbrains.php:203.4449.22
# Gradle Releases -> https://github.com/gradle/gradle/releases
# Opt-out flag for bundling Kotlin standard library -> https://jb.gg/intellij-platform-kotlin-stdlib
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
# Enable Gradle Configuration Cache -> https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/configuration_cache.html
# suppress inspection "UnusedProperty"
Hi, I checked this setup, and all elements are correctly displayed.
I suggest updating Gradle IntelliJ Plugin to the latest version and reimporting the Gradle project configuration.
If it doesn't help, try "File | Invalidate Caches...".
Still red.
Please share the project sources. It can be the minimal reproducible example.
After switching to Ultimate my project shows projectListeners red again. there is really no reason why, because the last time as i leaved the project everthing was fine. this is really annoying. after removing the .gradle cache it shows now yet another different error:
Its really OFTEN the case that something not work.
I wanted to implement new features and instead of that i need to fix essential issues.
How can i improve my local setup?
I do get managed to get the error of the beginning:
Hi Michael,
We need a reproducible example to understand how it is caused to be able to fix it. If it happens to you very often, then please share the reproducible example.
Its not a problem anymore. i didnt change anything. maybe a combination of cache clearing and restart fixed the issue. can i add you as user to my private git hub repo (if problems continues someday)?
In case of the future problems requiring access to the code, please upload it to https://uploads.jetbrains.com/ and share the ID in the post. The uploaded files can be accessed only by JetBrains employees.
At the moment i do not have this issue anymore, but it would be nice to know what it causes
I cannot reproduce the issue after opening the project. Please share the steps to reproduce if you find out what causes it.