Lost my settings


With the last update I lost all my carefully fine tuned setting. This despite having had the default sync repository active but that too was deactivated. On reactivation of sync I only get a push settings but what I need is a pull settings to restore my system.

Which is very frustrating. Settings sync needs some improvements.


I noted this Article: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/settings-tools-settings-repository.html - so there had been a change with Version 2022.3.


when i update idea to 2024.2, seting sync not working properly.i lost my plugin .i have to install one by one.This is not the first time.I think setting sync needs to add three resident buttons: 1. force get from cloud. 2, force push to cloud. 3.export to file


and lost my recent project history!


Hello, Romas Kriauciukas. Please copy them manually as described in this article in our Knowledge base.


Hello Martin Krischik. Do I understand you correctly that you used the Settings Repository before, not IDE Settings Sync? If yes, you can install the Settings Repository plugin from the Marketplace and pull your settings from the repository where you stored them. 

The Settings Sync solution is another feature that works differently, so if you didn't use it before, there are no settings in our cloud that could be pulled to your IDE.



I use Goland (on linux). I have problems with settings also. I mean with code style settings. Sometimes when I open ide - my code styles are reverted to defaults. I suspected it was a fault of sync but I switched it off. Maybe it is an issue with jetbrains toolbox? I will install Goland directly from tar.gz and check if it helps.


Hey Serge Baranov 

Today I updated webstorm to 2024.1.3 via Jetbrains Toolbox and I lost my settings as well. Although the settings sync was enabled in the settings now it looks like disabled. The urls that you sent shows that its already fixed in old versions but it's not the case here. Any idea how to bring them back? Where do you store the settings sync options?


Mete Erzincanlı 
Could you please advise which settings were lost after updating the IDE via Toolbox app? Which IDE version did you update to 2024.1.3?

The IDE settings are stored in the IDE configuration directory. Each major release (2023.1, 2024.1 etc.) has its own configuration directory. You can find your previous settings in the previous version's configuration directory. Usually IDE settings are compatible between versions, so you should be able to close the IDE and copy the settings from one configuration directory to the other.


Hello, joseph. Please accept my apologies for the inconvenience.

Could you please compress and share the settingsSync folder from the IDE configuration directory? It contains Settings Sync logs, and I want to check what exactly went wrong. You can share the archive using the JetBrains Uploads service and write me the ID you receive. 


Olga Mulina hi,I've already uploaded it,Upload id: 2024_08_12_22xxSUsKQ52QEY92nHwVVg (file: settingsSync.7z)


joseph, thank you for sharing the archive. 

In the Settings Sync log, I see that the settings were correctly synchronized from the cloud (from the previous IDE version) on 8 August (probably the date you updated the IDE): 



However, after some time, the plugins were marked as disabled for some reason (it could happen if they weren't installed in the IDE, for example):



Unfortunately, the reason for these changes is not stated in this log. Could you please collect (Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data) and share the IDE logs? I expect to see there the related entries that could possibly explain why the plugins were marked as disabled. 


@Olga Mulina From my point of view, it didn't sync the plugins I needed and I had to manually download them one by one.

Upload id: 2024_08_14_28vjRZ2Yj52tMUcWnHXsUv (file: idea-logs-20240814-1333009118967300292621419.zip)


joseph, thank you for sharing the logs. 

From my point of view, it didn't sync the plugins I needed and I had to manually download them one by one.

Of course, I understand what happened. I try to explain to you what exactly I see in the logs and why this could have happened. 

I checked the IDE logs you shared, and it looks like something prevented the IDE from installing the plugins. I asked the responsible developer for help with the investigation and will update you as soon as we have any news. 


Lost my all settings today as well after upgrading Rider from 2024.1 to 2024.2…


Thank you Olga Mulina - that was it! I think due to having earlier installed EAP version, my settings were not transferred automatically to the settings folder of the new version.


Olga Mulina ok,Thank you for your help with the investigation!


joseph, I have an update for you.

These entries in the logs look suspicious:

2024-08-08 10:17:19,233 [ 372240]   INFO - #c.i.o.u.i.PluginDownloader - downloading plugin SpotBugs(org.jetbrains.plugins.spotbugs) version 1.2.7 from https://plugins.jetbrains.com/pluginManager?id=org.jetbrains.plugins.spotbugs&build=IU-242.20224.300&uuid=2024-04-09_a5d79320-ed8b-47e2-836a-7eeb6ff363ff&updatedFrom
2024-08-08 10:17:19,307 [ 372314]   INFO - #c.i.i.p.m.MarketplaceRequests - Error reading Marketplace file: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Remote host terminated the handshake (file=C:\Users\vich\AppData\Local\JetBrains\IntelliJIdea2024.2\plugins\meta\578866.json URL=https://plugins.jetbrains.com/files/7320/578866/meta.json)


It means you may encountered connection problems, which were the reason for the IDE to not install the necessary plugins and subsequently update the settings in the cloud, rewriting the correct ones with the incorrect local ones. Unfortunately, this is a known problem; we have already had this bug report.

If the problem occurs again, please try to restore the settings locally using instructions from this article in our Knowledge base.


I follow this issue already opened.

I just lost everything due to ToolBox and its update of PhpStorm new versions.

I was running on 2024.1.6, then ToolBox installed a new one by itself 2024.2. I was recently managing the annoying behavior to select manually which one i wanted to open because even though i gave full rights to the folder, the app couldn't removed the new one due to not writable files (alert message in app). So i let this go and kept working like this.
But this morning it installed another new version, it then display a 2024.2 and a 2024.2.0.1, but there's no more the 2024.1.6 i was using. I can see the config/share/cache of this version but it exists no more to be launch by command.

This behavior is unbearable, I lost my entire morning work time because of this. 
any way to restore the one removed by the app ? (OS: Ubuntu)



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