Not able to connect to service in Google Cloud Run Configuration
I'm not able to connect to my service via the Google Cloud plugin. When I try running this cloud run config, I get:
Starting the Cloud Run development session...
/Users/daveschinkel/Library/Application Support/cloud-code/bin/versions/e20040b30cafb6dfff66a6a7f6fea193a551774fe99cbbcdd634b655dc02d8ee/skaffold dev --filename /var/folders/k2/cmgbvvn503jckgt35kkm7wrr0000gn/T/cloud-code-temp-skaffold6660475308870331131.tmp --auto-build=false --auto-deploy=false --auto-sync=false --rpc-port 50051 --skip-tests=true --port-forward=true --kube-context cloud-run-dev-internal --minikube-profile cloud-run-dev-internal
Generating tags...
- database-migrations-00001-jib -> database-migrations-00001-jib:latest
Checking cache...
- database-migrations-00001-jib: Error checking cache.
Cleaning up...
- No resources found
getting hash for artifact "database-migrations-00001-jib": getting dependencies for "database-migrations-00001-jib": file pattern [app] must match at least one file
Failed to start Cloud Run dev session.
My goal here with this plugin is to try to run the cloud container that is failing locally via this plugin so I can debug it easily. For example
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Sorry, but Google Cloud Code plugin is a third-party plugin Jetbrains is not responsible for. Please try contacting a plugin vendor (google Cloud) by submitting a ticket to