Disable breakpoints altogether? Clicking in the gutter
I am constantly accidentally creating breakpoints when clicking in the gutter. It's really gotten annoying. Is there some way to completely disable them?
Along similar lines, I could swear that I used to be able to select lines by clicking in the gutter. Now this doesn't work. Was this removed?
PHPStorm 2023.1
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There is no way to remove breakpoints from gutter completely.

However, you may return back an old behaviour with selecting lines by unticking the "Breakpoints Over Line Numbers" option:
Oh, thank goodness. Phew, that's a Godsend. Thank you Vasiliy Yur!
Would love if an option existed to NOT create breakpoints when LMB clicking the gutter. It really drives me off.
Agree 100% with you, Tiago.
Drives me mad when need to click on phpunit “test this method" button and clicking 1px outside and will create useless (for me) breakpoint…
please webstorm, I'm just a pleb with console.logs and have no need for breakpoints, the “breakpoints over line numbers” has certainly helped but come on…
Agreed, this gets pretty annoying in Jupyter notebooks on Pycharm
Having no way to change this behavior (automatically placing a breakpoint when clicking on the gutter), is really annoying for my development.
This behaviour is extremely annoying, regardless of whether the “breakpoints over line numbers” option is enabled or not.
Missed an icon by a single pixel? Now instead of slightly moving my mouse cursor and just clicking again, I must disable the useless breakpoint. I mean, I get that this may not be a huge problem for advanced users who internalized all the shortcuts, but for people who just switched and are actively using the gutter icons to discover editor features, this is a huge pain.