How to not implement a deprecated interface method, which has no default implementation?
In the comment for ExternalDocumentProvider.hasDocumentationFor() it says if not implemented. How is that possible when there is no default implementation?
package com.intellij.lang.documentation;
import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project;
import com.intellij.psi.PsiElement;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nls;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.List;
public interface ExternalDocumentationProvider {
* @deprecated Use/override {@link #fetchExternalDocumentation(Project, PsiElement, List, boolean)} instead.
default @Nls @Nullable String fetchExternalDocumentation(final Project project, PsiElement element, List<String> docUrls) {
return null;
default @Nls @Nullable String fetchExternalDocumentation(final Project project, PsiElement element, List<String> docUrls, boolean onHover) {
return fetchExternalDocumentation(project, element, docUrls);
* Quick check for existence of external documentation for specified element. Called from action update, so must be fast.
* If not implemented, update check is performed by calling {@link DocumentationProvider#getUrlFor(PsiElement, PsiElement)}.
* @deprecated existing implementations fall back to checking for existing url
* @param element the element to check for existence of documentation
* @param originalElement the element at caret (on which the action was invoked)
* @return true if the external documentation action should be enabled, false otherwise.
boolean hasDocumentationFor(PsiElement element, PsiElement originalElement);
* Checks if the provider is capable of asking the user to configure external documentation for an element.
* @param element the element for which no documentation was found
* @return true if the element is applicable to this provider and the provider has a UI to configure the documentation location, false otherwise
boolean canPromptToConfigureDocumentation(PsiElement element);
* Prompts the user to configure the external documentation for an element if none was found.
* @param element the element for which no documentation was found
void promptToConfigureDocumentation(PsiElement element);
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`com.intellij.lang.documentation.ExternalDocumentationProvider#hasDocumentationFor` is not used anymore and thus deprecated, will clarify/fix the situation.
Thank you. I am not trying to be difficult, but every one of these issues takes a chunk out of productive time trying to figure out WTF to do about the plugin verifier complaint.
That is the main reason I wind up ignoring its results.
Unfortunately, some valuable warnings get lost in the sea of noise.