PHPStorm doesn't open on another admin session
I got an admin session who phpStorm doesn't want to open, I did change path variables but it doesnt work. In my other session it open with no problems. I don't known what to do...
If any of you got this problem,
thank you
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Sorry, I am not sure if I follow, could you please tell a bit more about the issue? Is there any error message that you may share?
Hey! Thank for the answer
I got NO error message at all!!! Just double click on the application and nothing happened so I won't have any screen to show that :/ !
Thank you for your reply.
Sorry, I forgot to ask, what OS are you using?
Would it be possible to share the "idea.log" from the IDE logs directory (if there is any)? It location depends on OS:
We had the same problem.
Can you check your userprofile folder. "C:\Users\%userprofile%".
Did PHPStorm created an error file like this "java_error_in_phpstorm64_8928".
Maybe this regkey exists:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\CWDIllegalInDllSearch
More about this solution here: