"Reload all Maven projects" takes long and creates huge amounts of I/O - how can I get some verbose output what it is actually doing?
We develop a huge enterprise application and so we are used to longer maven build times. Recently, we noted that the time needed to reload all Maven projects has gone up significantly, it takes four times longer than before. Of course, it is quite annoying for the developers if one of our regular build steps that has taken 6 minutes before now takes about 25 minutes.
In order to rule out network issues with our remote Maven repository, I have run the reload of all Maven projects in offline mode with a disabled network connection and it still took that long. The local copy of the Maven repository is about 2 GB in size, but the Java process doing the reload reads almost 19 GB of data (see attached screenshots with output from Process Explorer).
Beginning of the reload of all Maven projects:
Ending of the reload of all Maven projects:
Is there any way to get some verbose output on what exactly is happening when the reload takes place? I collected the logs and did not find anything significant in them, and in the GUI it just tells that it is syncing for more than 20 minutes without any additional output. After those 20 minutes, the console displays some regular output of our tiles-maven-plugin, that's all.
How can we get additional information about what is going on during the reload?
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Please report at https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/newIssue?project=IDEA with the CPU snapshot attached: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/207241235.
Does the issue occur in 2023.1.1 release with Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Maven | Importing | Enable fast import?
Yes, we use the newest version with fast import enabled.
Hello Serge Baranov,
I am using the Community Edition.
Which one of the two profilers do you want me to use?
I got hold of an Ultimate license, did the profiling and filed the following ticket: