placing breakpoints in remote files
hello :)
I am trying to debug a remote python file using a remote python interpreter. I have already configured the remote interpreter, and when I run the python file, it runs perfectly. However, I could not find a way to place a breakpoint in the remote file for debugging. I have tried to remote SSH the file in PyCharm, the file opens but the breakpoint won't be placed. Note that my local machine does not have python interpreter, so I can not set up a Python Remote Debug in Run -> Edit Configuration
Would anyone be kind enough to explain how to place a breakpoint in a remote python file?
Thank you for your time.
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hello again
I solved the problem by creating a new project then specifying the interpreter to be remote, PyCharm then gave me the option to link the local project path to the remote path. So, now I can debug :)
You may mark this post as solved
i solved the same issue by simply editing the path mappings.
File -> Settings -> Project -> Project Interpreter -> Path mappings
maybe useful for someone who wants to debug an existing project on a remote.