External file changes sync may be slow
After the last update to 2016.3.2 I started to see the warning in the event log. I checked and I have the right system configuration. Im in Ubuntu 16.04 and I have a file /etc/sysctl.d/60-jetbrains.conf with fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 524288 on it.
The problem is im working with a big project and a module is an Ember module, I run externaly a builder that builds the app after a change (only deltas) and update a folder of a java web the project that is part of and ear. That ear is deployed on a jboss instance. After the update, due to the inotify error, that folder is not refresh by intellij and because of that is not deployed in jboss so I can't see the modifications. I have to synch the folder manually and it's very annoying.
Someone else have this error? Can I manually tell to Intellij to watch on an specific folder?
Thanks a lot,
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Add -Didea.filewatcher.disabled=true in Help | Edit Custom VM Options and restart the IDE.
OK ! Finally we got a solution. Thank you !!
What file system is used ? What is the error you get? Please share idea.log: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/articles/207241085.
Hi Serge,
Thanks for the quick answer. I few things for clarification. I was using this configuration since Intellij 14 without problems. The external build modified the folder, the folder was updated and deployed to jboss. Only after the update I started to have the problem.
file system: Ext4
Please provide the output from
Can you confirm that the problem doesn't occur if you rollback to 2016.3.1 (or the version you have used before)?
cat /proc/sys/fs/inotify/max_user_watches
How can I easily rollback? I need to download the previos version and replace it right?
Yes, what version did you use?
Can you send me a link to the version 2016.2?
See http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/IntelliJIDEA/Previous+IntelliJ+IDEA+Releases.
You can also just replace the version numbers in the download link.
Is there any resolution to this issue ? I'm having a similar problem on Centos 7 running in VMWare guest accessing shared folders on Windows 10 Host.
PHPStorm version 2019.1.2
Native file watcher (fsnotifier) will not work for the shared and network folders, it's OS technical limitation. The only solution is to keep the projects on the local file system.
In the Centos, there directories are mapped as local drives... Is there any way to disable Native File watcher (fsnotifier), OR at least exclude some directories ?
-Didea.filewatcher.disabled=true in Help | Edit Custom VM Options
Only supress the warning dialog,Scanning files to index is still slow.Takes m about 10 mins
Sima Yi What is the OS and how the project's folder is mounted?
Dows it help to clear system caches and reset project's indexes (File | Invalidate caches)?
If no, please quit IntelliJ IDEA, clean logs folder, reproduce the issue and share the newly generated logs compressed via YouTrack: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/newIssue?project=IDEA
I have this issue, my drive is local, not on the network, I am on a Linux machine with multiple drives, my workspace is not in the OS's drive, but in the other drives (that are anyway installed on the PC), does that justify why it is slow?
In other words my workspace is not in /home/* but in /media/* (and so the OS and workspace are in different drives).
Please contact support at https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/requests/new with the logs (Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data) and the output from `./fsnotifier --selftest` command in the IDE bin subdirectory.