[OSX] Where does intellij/datagrip store the password in the "Native Keychain"
I though they would be in the OSX keychain, but I can't find anything using Keychain Access. Am I looking in the right place?
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Please open Keychain (standard macOS app) and search by `IntelliJ Platform` to see all IntelliJ Platform password. To search only Database password — `IntelliJ Platform DB`
Thank you
I created an issue https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-228926 based on your description.
I just updated, and I am also unable to save passwords.
I've tried clearing of Intellij's passwords out of Keychain Access. No help.
Every time I try to connect to a database, it asks for the password. I've telling it to save Forever, but it doesn't seem to be doing that, nothing appears in Keychain Access. Deployments don't even ask for a password. They just fail.
Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Passwords > Save passwords = "In native Keychain"
I have the same issue. Problem started happening after PHPStorm 2019.2.3 upgrade. 2019.1.X worked fine.
I get a message saying "Cannot unlock Keychain" and requests DB credentials over and over.
same issue
Unable to unlock keychain
DataGrip 2019.3
Build #DB-193.5233.139, built on December 2, 2019
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
macOS 10.15.1
GC: ParNew, ConcurrentMarkSweep
Memory: 1979M
Cores: 12
Non-Bundled Plugins: com.jetbrains.jbre.bintray.downloader
Hi, On OSX 10.14.5, IntelliJ keeps asking for BitBucket Pwd. It's set to store on native keychain. When searching for IntelliJ in keychain, nothing shows.... should I be worried?? It used to work... After IntelliJ update it started failing.
Have the same issue with PhpStorm 2019.2.5. Moved to 2019.3 Beta to solve it.
DataGrip 2019.3
macOS 10.15.2
+1 here
macOS: 10.15.2
DataGrip: 2019.3.2
already voted in the issue
I have the same issue as two people above, it can't access keychain to access password
+1 here
Gines Gomez,
Vote for the issue mentioned above.
DataGrip 2019.3
macOs 10.15.1
Please, vote for https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-228926
macOS 10.15.3
goland 2019.3.1
+1 - app is unusable
FYI, my problem has solved right after re-install the IDE from the downloaded package (dmg) following other's suggestions without uninstalling.