DEBUG_FD being defined in nodes process.env, v7 deprecated vs
where can I stop the IDE from defining DEBUG_FD, not a huge deal if I cant, just very annoying using eslint with it throwing this warning everywhere in the event logs.
WebStorm 2016.3.2
Build #WS-163.9166.30, built on December 12, 2016
JRE: 1.8.0_112-release-408-b2 x86
JVM: OpenJDK Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
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I've just opened a PR to fix that issue with debug package. hoping maintainers accept that :))
By the way, there is already debug-fd-deprecated package that addresses this issue for JetBrains IDE users (the problem is specific to debug v2.6.0 only, but this version will persist in dependencies for some time).
WebStorm itself doesn't define this variable... Are you using visionmedia? See
No it definitely is WebStorm or something web storm uses,
running this (nothing else) "console.log(`DEBUG_FD: ${process.env.DEBUG_FD} type:(${ typeof process.env.DEBUG_FD})`);" in WebStorm DEBUG_FD = 1, in a cmd console or any other IDE that supports node its undefined.
and yes visionmedia is the module that produces the warning, but I want WebStorm to not define DEBUG_FD, not visionmedia to fix the warning.
I checked and yes, indeed it's set to 1 in to redirect debug output to stdout; in WebStorm node.js console, stderr output can't be colored.
This variable will be removed in 2017.1 - with the consequence of losing debug output coloring
any eta on 2017.1?
it is planned for the end of March
Elena Pogorelova, it was already fixed in debug package (the update was not published yet), so DEBUG_FD won't create problems in debug@2.x and won't produce any effect in debug@3.x.
Can the decision on DEBUG_FD removal be changed, or the option for this be created? It looks like it will be fine at the time of 2017.1 arrival.
We are considering this possibility, change request has been already created
DEBUG_FD will be enabled in next 2017.1 EAP