Calling gradle sync from Idea plugin programmatically
Our plugin overwrites some gradle files, e.g. sets non-default build variants.
How to programmatically call gradle sync from plugin so that the user does not need to manually click on this yellow banner
Unfortunately does not help in my case.
Thank you
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For me
worked perfectly fine for Android Studio and it perfectly suits my purpose.
also worked somehow even with the Idea, but it updated the build variants only when I clicked on these to change.
You can try the following api: com.intellij.openapi.externalSystem.util.ExternalSystemUtil#refreshProject
Vladislav Soroka: In latest APIs GradleConstants is not present. Can you share updated snippet please?
org.jetbrains.plugins.gradle.util.GradleConstants is part of Gradle plugin
project, GradleConstants.SYSTEM_ID, rootProjectPath, false,
Brings the problem: requires plugin 'com.intellij.gradle' to be installed
Altough i have:
plugin.xml: <depends>com.intellij.gradle</depends>
and build.gradle.kts:
intellij {
type.set("IC") // Target IDE Platform
plugins.set(listOf("java", "", "com.intellij.gradle"))