This option is available if the repository has a remote that points to github.com.
To be more precise, it should point to a server which name is configured in Settings | Version Control | GitHub

Please check if you have everything set up correctly


Thanks, I have double checked that I have everything set up correctly - not pointing to GitHub. 

Can you please check that your documentation is not missing important information?

Also can you please check that you are not using UX anti pattern by hiding a menu element instead of disabling it?


This Help page is a part of GitHub integration help. So, it assumes that you are using GitHub and have everything set up properly...

Also, I don't think that showing all menus actions not relevant in current context is a good UX pattern


I came to the help page from search, assuming I know where it belongs without providing the context on the page is another UX anti pattern. Pull Requests are part of GIT, not specific to GitHub and the page mentions GIT several times while GitHub zero times. 

The fact that I am not the only one asking about this is clear indication that your documentation is misleading your users. It would be nice if you could stop suggesting I did something wrong in my configuration. 

Also you are wrong about hiding the menu elements, google it. 



I think you right. In order to came to this post to know that only Github based projects are the ones privileged to have the pull request functionality I had to google "can't find create pull request in pycharm". For me it's more frustrating because I have a paid license.


I think you should update the Documentation and also politely accept your users suggestions.





Even though under "Settings | Version Control | GitHub" I'm pointing to github.com, I still don't see the "Open PR" option under "VCS | Git".

I use an API token which works OK.


IntelliJ Ultimate 2017.1.3 IU-171.4424.56

GitHub plugin 171.4424.56

Git Integration 8.1


I use Bitbucket Server and host my own GIT repos internally. "Create Pull Request" is missing from the VCS -> Git menu in IntelliJ. Why is "Create Pull Request" only available for GitHub users?  Is pull request functionality going to be added for GIT users that do not use GitHub in the future?


It would be helpful to rename the page above referenced page to be "Creating Pull Requests on GitHub."


please feel free to log a request for page enaming to youtrack, https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/IDEA


We use phpstorm 2018.x

We have a lot of bug fixing and feature branches in our own git repository (not github). To increase code quality we now consider using pull requests to keep track and structure the development process better.

Is it planed to integrate pull requests for non github repos?


I'd like to add to this as well.

I use multiple user accounts for Github, which requires mapping custom hostnames to the Github IP for SSH keys to work correctly (projecta.github.com, projectb.github.com). If I use github.com in the authentication for the account, PHPStorm does not show the menu items. If I use the custom hostnames, PHPStorm cannot authenticate with Github.

I'd say that PHPStorm should just allow assigning a Github account to a project instead of matching the repo domain to the Github account domain.


This is a real problem for me too. I have multiple accounts (personal and pro), but the pro one uses a different ssh key mapped on a custom hostname to tell ssh to use a specific ssh key. As Webstorm checks for the hostname to be github.com exactly, the menu items do not show up but the remote is a GitHub repo.


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