URL to open a file?
I've noticed that it's possible to CLI to make PHPStorm open a file; I also noticed PHPStorms opens a bunch of ports. I was wondering if there is a embedded http server which could make a url open a file.
My goal is to be able to generate a report web page including links to specific code line opening in my IDE...
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Unfortunately it is not possible.
Could you tell us more about the use case scenario?
Yes of course :)
In case of an error or exception, my framework generates a detailed error page including the backtrace. Currently I just display the file path and line number, but it would be cool to be able to just click on a link to have PHPStorm open the file at the faulty line.
Hi there,
Please check this ticket (mainly comments -- you will find different suggestions/solutions there): https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-65879