Strange IML Sources / Classes JRE Path Change - file://C:/Windows/System32 ?? (PS-171.3566.28)
The latest EAP, PS-171.3566.28, changed an IML line to this - is that right?
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Today, seemingly out of nowhere that same entry changed to c:/Windows.
Do you have anything suspicious in Settings | Languages & Frameworks | PHP | PHP Include?
Suspicious like what? And it just changed back to c:/Windows/System32!
Please remove the first "dot" entry, it was added because of a bug.
Actually, we have that in our php.ini file:
But even so, that has been in PHPStorm for years.
So that does remove the c:/Windows entry completely, but again, that dot entry has been in PS literally for years.
That's strange, as the bug was introduced with 2016.3.x:
Have you found a fix for this?
We have .idea folder on version control and if you open the project on windows system those 2 line will be added and when opened on Linux the lines will be removed. I don't want to remove the file from version control so we can all have the same directory settings.
See (remove "dot" entry from "PHP Include Paths" if you have it there) -- that should do the job (the only known to me reason for having such odd paths added there)