Clion cannot stop at break point when attach to running process in Ubuntu14
Hi all:
I did attach to a c++ service process but it won't stop at the break points, any ideas on it? I'm using bundled gdb and it used to work on ubuntu12 but after upgrade to 14 it stops to work. Gdb is correctly attached to the process but breakpoint is not working...
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Hi, Eugene.
Sorry for the inconvenience! Could you please enable debug logging by entering `#com.jetbrains.cidr.execution.debugger` into Help | Debug Log Settings, reproduce the problem and send us idea.log (Help | Show Log in Finder). Do not forget to disable debug logging after that. Please send it to clion-support at
Did this problem get resolved? If so how? I am still having this problem of the CLion packaged gdb not breaking at breakpoints when attached to a process explicitly. It breaks when the debugging is triggered from CLion itself. But I have situations when I can't do this.
Still can't in 2023 when attach to mysql.
Hi all!
It's almost impossible to investigate such issues without diagnostic materials. Please create a debugger log as described in this comment and send it to clion-support at