How to comment blocks of php without commented out html ending up in the source?
In the IDE I switched from (Dreamweaver), I could comment out a block of PHP code with mixed html, without any of the html ending up as commented out code in the source.
Example of Dreamweaver style php block commenting:
Original code:
<?php if ( $search = 1) : ?>
<div class="search">
<?php endif; ?>
Dreamweaver php block comment:
<?php /*?><?php if ( $search = 1) : ?>
<div class="search">
<?php endif; ?><?php */?>
Result: nothing in frontend source.
However with PHPSstorm the only block commenting option I can find leads to commented out html in the source:
PHPstorm on OSX, with CMD-SHIFT-/
Leads to commented out html in source
<?php /*if ( $search = 1) : */?><!--
<div class="search">
--><?php /*endif; */?>
which leads to this in the frontend source:
<div class="search">
Is there a way to achieve this kind of commenting that I am missing?
If not I would like to suggest this as a feature request, I used this all the time to comment out code I am temporarily not using but want to keep.
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Hi there,
AFAIK it's the way how it always worked and it's not configurable.
You can file Feature Request ticket at Issue Tracker: (but please check for possibly existing tickets first -- there and in as well).
Partially related:
Ok, will do. Thanks.