`Inspection 'Incorrect call argument count'` is wrong
The screenshot is here.
[1] pry(main)> >> Hashie::Mash.new(call_count: -100)
=> {"call_count"=>-100}
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thank you for the project provided, I was checking it in 2017.1.5, but didn't manage to reproduce your problem (please check my screenshot)
could you please specify what RubyMine version you use? Does it happen in 2017.1/2017.1.1 RC?
I'm using RubyMine 2017.1 .
sorry for the delay. Could you please check how it goes in RubyMine 2017.1.3 EAP (I didn't get any errors with `Hashie::Mash`) In case the problem persists could you please provide a code sample for reproduce.
In RubyMine 2017.1.3 I can reproduce this inspection warning. This code is here https://github.com/ts-3156/egotter/blob/master/app/workers/create_twitter_user_worker.rb#L11 .
In RubyMine 2017.2.3 I can not find the inspection. Thank you for your replying!