"Unresolved variable of type xxx" in v-for loop on a .vue file after upgrading to 2017.1
After upgrading from 2016.3 to 2017.1 I get an ""Unresolved variable of type something"" when I write the following loop
In addition, if I pass index as a second parameter in v-for loop, I get an additional "Comma expression warning"
Any help is appreciated, thank you
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Same problem!
I would like this fixed as well
To investigate this it would be necessary to have the complete code sample where the issue could be reproduced.
Can you share this?
What IDE version are you using? Please check latest build, looks like it's fixed there: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-29370
Still not fixed 6 years later.
As far I see, this ticket was fixed in 2017.3.
Do you think you could share a new reproducible code sample?