Git index getting corrupted
This has happened twice due to a power outage, my Git index gets corrupted. I am using a repo in a Linux VM, hosted on a Windows 7 system. That repo is also the root project for IntelliJ. Git tells me "index file smaller than expected". How can I prevent the corruption again? Is it inherent of how my code base and workspace is set up?
It seems another user had a similar problem. Stackoverflow:
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In the described thread the issue was the possible race between commands IDEA issues and the command user executed manually.
In your case, as you said, this is a power outage. Probably power went downs during executing some commands that update git index file.
I don't think there is anything we can do here, except preventing power outages.
On the other hand, the setup you described can also affect this. Mapped directories, even from a local VM, can have latency workign with them, as a result git commands may take longer then usual.