I've lost my custom keymap after last upgrade



This is happening during last upgrades, but not always and not in every machine I own. When I upgrade phpStorm, I lost my custom keymap configuration. For example, I like cmd+r for the File Structure, and it's gone. It never happened with version 2016, but it happens most of the time with 2017.

Obviously, it's very annoying having to set everything up again and again. If I import my previous exported settings, no keymap is imported. It's weird.

I'm using mac 10.12.4.

I would really appreciate any help here.



Same problem here. I tried a fresh install of PyCharm 2020.1 and the keymap "Visual Studio" has nothing to do with that of PyCharm 2019.3, which I still have on another machine. 
Not the 1st time that an upgrade breaks critical functionalities of the environment, though... :(


Hi @eugene,

Last time I upgraded from 2017.1 to 2017.1.2.

In /Users/<user>/Library/Preferences/PhpStorm2017.1/keymaps i have a Default copy.xml (i guess thats the path you talked about, but the file you said it is not there).

I don't have any PhpStorm2017.1.x or something like that, so I'm not sure whats the "previous" and the "current" directory.


Are you using Setting Repository?

A minor update (2017.1 > 2017.1.2) shouldn't interact with your saved configs. What other hotkeys were changed?

Permanently deleted user


Some changes were introduced as a part of https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-165950 and it's still in progress.

It's necessary to remap your shortcuts.

As for Settings Repository - do you still have your custom keymap in the repository? Did you import your settings from there after the update?


Yesterday I received an update for the plugin "Material Theme UI". Today, everything went wrong again. 

I have also lost my live templates.

I have disabled the Material Theme UI and restored the keymaps and live templates again. Maybe the plugin was the cause of the problem. I will keep an eye on future updates to see if it's working fine without the plugin.

Is it possible that a visual theme was the cause of my problems?


The same problem at update to 2020.1, hotkeys are lost, I am so afraid to update each time. Each time some important thing is broken.


What version did you upgrade from?
Generally, during settings import a certain file should have been copied: config/keymaps/#keymap-name#.xml
Could you please check if you have this file in the previous version settings and in the current file?



Hi Dimitry,

Yes, I'm using a server repository.

The other hotkeys were (i'm using a spanish keyboard) cmd+- toggle comments and cmd+alt+ right / left arrow keys to navigate between tabs.





Yes I tried to import from my repository and from a file I had exported before the update.

I have created a custom keymap file and will keep track of it, in case this happen again.

Thanks Vladimir


Guys, this happened again. I upgraded to latest last Friday and lost all my customized shortcuts.

I'm pretty sure that's because I'm using a spanish keyboard layout, but this is very annoying...

I have created a new keymap. How can I create a manual backup of that keymap in case this happens again?


You can copy config/keymaps/#keymap-name#.xml somewhere, and copy it back whenever it happens again. Unless it's a keystroke mapping issue, of course.


Something weird is happening. I named my custom keymap "chux". Im in the directory (i'm using mac):


I only have one file, Default copy.xml

How can I know what's my current phpstorm directory?

And most important, how can avoid this from happening in the future?



Are you using Settings Repository plugin? If you do - disable the plugin and check if the keymap scheme is available again.


Yes, I'm using it. the file was in the repository.

I can't disable the plugin as I work with three different computers in three different locations, and it's painful not being able to have all the settings in sync.


How can I know what’s my current phpstorm directory?

Sorry, I forgot that when you use Settings Repository it puts the config files in a different directory, it’d be:

And most important, how can avoid this from happening in the future?

Right now, it’s hard to say how exactly SR causes this. Could you please checkout the SR repository somewhere else and check if your custom keymaps are presented there?


Hi Eugene,

There isn't any keymap subdirectory in the path you said.

In my Settings Repository, I have the Keymap subfolder with my shortcuts.

Yesterday, I synched my home's computer with my repository and my custom shortcuts are working fine.



Today I got an update, and after the update, everything is reseted again...



Do you have the file with your custom hotkeys at PhpStorm2017.3/settingsRepository ?


hey dimitry,

Sorry for my late answer. Yes I do and I did.

I upgraded from home to 2018, and my custom keymaps are lost again. This is super frustrating. I'm starting to think that copying the settings directory to dropbox would be a solution (or patch). Or maybe try to reinstall everything from scratch.

No one else is experimenting the same issue?



Sorry for missing a reply. Not sure if this plugin is a cause of the issue. It looks to me that the issue is caused by settingsRepository  plugin


Hi Dimitry,

No problem,

What would be the solution? I'm willing to test anything. It is very annoying and always happens when I have more work to do.
Any tips to syncronize the settings without the plugin repository?



Hi Jesus,

Please try "IDE Settings Sync" plugin. Disable "Settings Repository" plugin and then follow the instructions to get this working: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/phpstorm/sharing-your-ide-settings.html#IDE_settings_sync 


Fuck you webstorm now my shortcuts are rambled... FUCK IT!


This is getting unbelievably frustrating.  I've set my keymap 3-4 times in the last week.

I normally use the settings repository.  When I update, I lose my custom keymap.  I tried deactivating the settings repo and exported settings, it doesn't contain my keymap.  

Time to re-set the map and all of my damn theme/style settings again.  

This is on MacOS. It happens consistently with both Rider and Pycharm.  

Is there any fail safe way of actually exporting the settings?  


Yes, that's a pain. We have this issue logged on our tracker: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-181599.

I hope that by the time 2020.3 is released we'll migrate to a new "synching" mechanism. 

Right now, if you're affected by the issue, I would suggest to not use Settings Repository. Did you try "IDE Settings Sync" instead: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/phpstorm/sharing-your-ide-settings.html#IDE_settings_sync?



Ouch.  Those tickets have been around for years.  Settings are a pretty crucial feature.  I'll see if there's some other way I can capture the settings so I stop losing them.


Yeah, it's back from 2017 but I can see internal comments there discussing the progress being done recently.


Is anyone else having this problem?  Every time I restart rider or pycharm, I have to reset my keymap.  I checked permissions, etc. etc.  I can't work like this.

Maybe disable the setting repo feature if it doesn't work.


Please contact us via Help | Contact Support to investigate this: that would be much more efficient.


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