Database autocomplete listing data types not columns first

I recently updated to the latest IntelliJ (2017.1.2 EAP, Build #IU-171.4249.4) and found that the autocomplete in database queries is working differently than the previous version.  

When I do a JOIN statement, after I type in 'ON' it lists 'CHARACTER' as the first autocomplete option, followed by a bunch of other datatypes. Previously it had listed the suggested columns to join (i.e. "ie.customer_id = c.customer_id").

Is this something I can change in the settings or is it simply a change that was permanantly made. 


Probably not related to the problem, but what is the reason you are using the old EAP version? Current EAP is 2017.1.3, release is 2017.1.2 (171.4249.39).


That's what the update directed me to. I will update and see if it fixes it. 


I updated to 2017.1.2 and it didn't fix the issue. 


@Dan James Silva Hi,

Do you have any relation between tables? I mean FK.

Could you give us DDL for tables you mentioned with constraints?

Thank you.

P.S.: I can't reproduce it.

With FK between tables:

Without FK between tables:


I do have FK relations, although the table in the screenshot does not. The join suggestion always shows up, it's just always below the types.


@Dan James Silve Hi,

Is it possible to get DDL for problem tables?

Thank you.

Dan James Silva

It happens with every table whenever I join ANY table on ANY database. But here are some examples. 

create table agent
id serial(10) default nextval('agent_id_seq'::regclass) not null
constraint agent_id
primary key,
first_name varchar(50) not null,
middle_name varchar(50),
last_name varchar(100) not null,
agency_name varchar(100),
email_address varchar(255) not null,
phone varchar(10) not null,
code varchar(50) not null,
agent_user_id int4(10) not null
constraint fk_agent_user
references agent_user,
payment_gateway_profile_id int4(10)
constraint fk_agent_payment_gateway_profile
references payment_gateway_link,
institution_program_id int4(10)
constraint fk_agent_institution_program
references institution_program

create unique index agent_code_key
on agent (code)

create table agent_payment_method
id serial(10) default nextval('agent_payment_method_id_seq'::regclass) not null
constraint pk_agent_payment_method_id
primary key,
agent_id int4(10) not null
constraint fk_agent_id
references agent,
payment_method_id int4(10) not null
constraint fk_payment_method_id
references payment_method



@Dan James Silva Hi,

Using your DDL I can't reproduce the problem:

(but I deleted constraints for payment_gateway_link, agent_user, institution_program, payment_method to create tables without errors).

Am I missing something?

Thank you.


Dan James Silva

You aren't missing anything. But the behavior still persists in my local IDE. I am getting a new computer soon so I hope the problems don't carry over to that machine. 


@Dan James Silva Hi,

As a workaround,  you can try to invoke "Invalidate Caches / Restart" action.


Thank you.

Dan James Silva

Unfortunately that didn't fix the problem. 

Dan James Silva

I switched to MacBook Pro and the problem still persists. 


We're trying to figure out how to fix it.
Thank you.


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