I can't set swift toolchain path in ubuntu (CLION)
I'm trying to configure clion for a swift project, but it just doesn't recognize the swift toolchain path.
produces the output
so the toolchain is there but clion just doesn't recognize it |
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Just putting / as the Swift toolchain path worked for me. lol.
(running on arch linux x64)
Apparently the path you choose must contain the folder `usr` underneath, so in you case it should be just `/` but in general if swift is located at `SOME_PATH/usr/bin/swift` then you must select `SOME_PATH`.
Hello Seunlanlege,
I already setup Swift sdk in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS smoothly, looks like your SDK path is not correct related to your Swift installation configuration:
Also, I hope you already setup Swift configuration correctly.
For a startover guide, you may refer:
Kind Regards,
I already tried setting the tool chain path to
I still get the same error.
I'm using swift 3.1.1 could this be the issue?
I'm also using the latest version of clion
Most unlikely, it works out of the box, than means your last swift sdk installation was not correct.
First cleanup your broken swift sdk, then adapt these instructions for your target platform: