webstorm update color schemes process on start
Win7x64, Webstorm 2017.3 (just updated)
The update color schemes process start on launch and working for a long time - 10+ mins.
What's the problem. 2017.1 already had this problem.
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This is the first time that I see it... Do you see this message each time you start WebStorm? Please provide your idea.log (https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/207241085-Locating-IDE-log-files)
I cleaned old projects. The time to initial load reduced but the update process problem still exists and it's very long.
I zipped whole log dir. Attached.
Hm, zip attachements are not allowed. Cloud link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6tFMSWROoY3a25tWG9hZmJZcjg
nothing interesting in the logs... Please try disabling Color plugin (https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/6892-color) - as far as I can see, it loads color scheme books on startup and checks for schemes updates - this might be the issue...
Working Ok now, Lena, thanks.