Unable to see wrapped by shared_ptr data
I cannot see data pointed in shared_ptr. It should be visible in watch window.
Screen from watch:
My configuration:
Clion 2017.1.1
Windows 8.1
I know tht Clion does not supprt MinGW in version 5.0, but I also installed 4.0 and there was the same problem.
int main() {
class Temp {
int data;
Temp(int data) : data(data) {}
auto ptr = std::make_shared<Temp>(20);
std::cout << ptr;
return 0;
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I agree that for modern C++ code, this is an essential feature have. CLion is so much better than VS in many aspects but this aspect actually forces me to keep using VS.
In case of LLDB the info about underlying object should be available.
In case of GDB there was an issue (https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/CPP-2496) which should be fixed in the next CLion 2018.1 EAP. Please follow the updates in our blog. So please either consider upgrading CLion when 2018.1 is released or use a workaround suggested in the comment.