AppCode doesn't create configuration for targets in CMake generated project


Currently, the only projects I work with are generated using CMake. Since AppCode uses XCode project format, I can simply run "cmake -G Xcode" command and open the project with AppCode. However, if it's a fresh project, the only configuration present in AppCode is ALL_BUILD. I have to close the project, open it in XCode to create schemes to run all the targets, and only after that I can open it in AppCode and see all the configurations I need.

My questions are:

- is there a way to tell AppCode to create a configuration for each target automatically?

- why does opening a project in XCode resolve the issue?

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The behavior you're seeing is caused by OC-3052. Please vote for the ticket.

Unfortunately, the best known workaround at the moment is to open project in Xcode after generation.

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