gdb debugging issue



We are currently evaluating CLion 2017.1.3 to see if it could be a viable alternative as our main IDE on a Linux workstation running CentOS 7.

We currently support both VisualStudio projects and Makefiles for Linux. I generated cmake files for our projects. I can open our main CMakeLists.txt in CLion but we have an issue when debugging one of our applications

I set 2 break points:

-One during the application init

-One that will trigger on an event after about 30-60 seconds of processing

The first breakpoint works fine.

When execution reaches the second breakpoint, it looks like the debugger windows is being initialized then it stops immediately. In the console window it says "Process finished with exit code 0".

If I do dmesg, I can see that there was a segfault in gdb:

[86062.944797] gdb[2390]: segfault at 7ffddf3cffe8 ip 000000000054aa02 sp 00007ffddf3cfff0 error 6 in gdb[400000+650000]

If I use the bundled LLDB instead, the second breakpoint works fine. 

I would have tried the system's gdb but it says the version is not supported (version is 7.6.1-94).

Any ideas as to why the bundled gdb would crash?


Marc-André Hébert

1 comment


Sorry for the inconvenience. Could you please enable debug logging by entering `#com.jetbrains.cidr.execution.debugger` into Help | `Debug Log Settings`, reproduce the problem and send idea.log (`Help | Show Log in `) to clion-support at Do not forget to disable debug logging after that.


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