Announcement: Gitter channel for plugin developers

To give you the opportunity to hang out with fellow plugin developers, I created the

Gitter Community for IntelliJ Plugin Developers

We, as a community, rely to a great extent on the guys (and gals!) at Jetbrains who devote much of their time monitoring this forum and patiently answering our questions. As I pointed out a half year ago, what I see is, that a lot of work is currently done by Jetbrains and that we as a community only profit from it but it's hard to give something back. We have over 2000 plugins, so it is safe to assume that we should have at least 500 plugin developers and I'm sure we could help each other because there is always this one interface you don't understand, although it was explained here.

Let us find out if we plugin developers are indeed, as Vladimir said, a "secluded bunch" or if we can generate a community feeling. It should be said, that we don’t have an expectation that JetBrains will monitor this, although of course, they are more than welcome there too. It’s an unofficial community effort.


Please make sure to read the FAQ, especially avoid cross-posts between this forum and gitter. Thanks.


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