Annotation "setFileLevelAnnotation(true)" not displayed
My plugin Annotator is adding some annotation marked as "setFileLevelAnnotation(true)"...
When my file is very "small" the annotation is sometimes not showing at all... I don't understand why.
Here is my code :
Annotation annotation = holder.createErrorAnnotation(file, "File name is not correct, it should starts with 'model', 'view', 'frontend' or 'backend'");
annotation.setProblemGroup(() -> A_CONFIG);
I try to investigate but I don't understand where my problem comes from... can you please help me ?
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NB : when removing the "annotation.setFileLevelAnnotation(true)" the annotation is showing (from file start to file end)
Hi Maxime,
when it doesn't show up: is your code invoked? If so, what is the stack trace?
Can you check if you have any related messages in the idea.log? In your running debug session IDEA where you test your plugin, go to Help -> Show Log file in File Manager. See if there are any relevant messages.
No stack trace...
But I think I found the problem : my Annotation was related to "Groovy" language instead of my custom language "Jspresso"...
Thank you both for your help !