Setup different color ordering (BGR, RGBA, etc.) for subpixel anti-aliasing

My monitor has an inverted color ordering - BGR instead of RGB. How could I let the IDE know that it should anti-alias accordingly?

I could tell that to GNOME through dconf-editor, but those settings are irrelevant to IDE.


Currently, I resorted to Grayscale anti-aliasing, but that is not the same as a correct Subpixel AA.


EDIT: I have found a setting in the pycharm64.vmoptions which should have done the trick:


But that has proven not working. In fact, nothing changes with that setting. Value taken from


Antialiasing is set to Subpixel for both IDE and Editor. Run from Toolbox on Budgie 17.04, running:

EAP PyCharm 2017.2 EAP
Build #PY-172.3095.4, built on June 20, 2017
PyCharm EAP User
Expiration date: July 20, 2017
JRE: 1.8.0_152-release-915-b3 amd64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Linux 4.10.0-24-generic


Same problem here with no solution.

I noticed that only the font in the Intellij's pop-ups was changing when changing the vmoptions. Check here:


Is this fixed in 2018.1?


This is an Oracle / Java issue on Windows I believe.   See: 

Where JetBrains' Alexey Ushakov states:

"Unfortunately, windows runtime does not support this for now. I'll see what we can do in this case"


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